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Josh was cursing each and every god from each and every religion. This week could not have moved by any slower, introductions and icebreakers taking up the entire week save for trig. All they ever did was take notes upon notes upon notes. So Josh had dedicated that class to writing music - he'd finished the one he'd started on Monday by Wednesday, which Tyler had decided to lovingly call 'Stressed Out.'
"It's sick as frick, dude!" Tyler's voice echoed in Josh's ears and he laughed under his breath. "Mr. Dun, care to explain what is so funny about tangents?"
His head shot up at the sound of Mr. Armstrong's voice.
"It's, uh, it's nothing, sir." Josh averted his gaze and his face heated. He could feel the eyes of everyone in the class staring at him, and Andy, who was sitting at his side, looked up to the teacher.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Armstrong. I was just telling him a joke."
"Well, don't do it again." Armstrong's voice was stern and the bell rang right on cue. "Class dismissed."
Josh turned to Andy, who was stuffing his notebook into his backpack. They weren't friends, hell they were hardly aquaintances, but he seemed nice enough. But also kind of scary. The kid had a tattoo on his freaking neck and he was only 19.
"Thanks, Hurley." Josh said as he stood.
"Don't mention it." Andy's voice certainly didn't fit his physical appearance. It was too soft and gentle for such an intimidating looking guy. When he smiled, Josh could see the crooked teeth with the tiniest gap between the front two, and he couldn't help but smile back.
"Hey, I've seen you writing...do you play?" Andy pulled his drumsticks out of his bag and Josh's eyes brightened as he nodded.
"Yeah, with my buddy Tyler."
"You guys good?"
"I...I think so? I don't know, the only people that habe heard us are our parents...and the neighbors."
"Mind if I sit in sometime?"
Josh paused and shrugged. "I don't see why not, but I'll ask Tyler."
"Cool." Andy hoisted his bag onto one shoulder. "Well, I gotta run. We got practice today."
"We?" He tilted his head.
The brunette nodded. "Mhm. Me, Joe, Pete, and Patrick."
"You mean the Patrick Stump? The guy who always gets the solos in choir?"
Andy nodded, and Josh grinned.
"You mean that Patrick Stump?" Tyler was seated on the edge of Josh's bed, his mouth twisting into a frown.
"What? You don't like him?" Josh quirked his brow up in question. He shook his head indigantly and folded his arms, scratching absently at one of the black bands tattooed around his arm.
"Nope. He always gets all the cool parts and solos in choir."
"I know that, but so what? I thought you looked up to him."
"Hence the past tense 'looked.' I thought I was a goody two-shoes teacher's pet, but that guy's at a whole different level. Dr. Hoppus won't even let anyone else try out for solos! He just gives 'em all to Patrick."
Josh could see the annoyance in Tyler's expression and sighed heavily.
"What?" His friend dropped his arms back to his sides.
"It's just...you're not gonna be very happy with me..."
"...Josh, what did you do?" Tyler's voice wavered.
"I may have said they could come over Friday night to listen to us..."
"What the hell?? Josh, that was gonna be our movie night! Besides, I'm not about to hear Patrick's commentary and his stupid lame soul voice."
"Tyler, we can still have movie night. Besides they'll only be here for maybe thirty minutes! An hour, max. C'mon, man. You know Pete's dad owns a recording company, right? This could be our chance to make it!"
Tyler huffed and looked away, his eyes trained on the ground.
"...you think it'll get me a date with Jenna?"
Josh froze and held back a grimace, instead forcing on a smile.
"I don't see why not..."
"Fine. I'll do it, then." Tyler smiled softly and offered up his hands. Josh took the indication and went through the handshake they'd made up. It was Tyler's idea to have a friendship handshake, but Josh's to make it longer, mainly because he kinda sorta really wanted to hold Tyler's hand and this was the closest he'd get.
The rest of their Thursday night was spent practicing, the two wanting to be as on point as possible in time for their little presentation the next day.

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