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Blue? No, too cheesy. Purple? No, that clashed with his skin tone. Pink? Nah, too lovey-dovey. White? Yeah, white works.
Tyler buttoned up the shirt to the collar and tugged on his jeans, only tucking in the neatly pressed shirt halfway. When he'd told his mother about his date, she'd insisted on ironing his clothes and getting him a haircut, which he was long overdue for. He smiled at the thought and shook his head with a soft laugh. He was grabbing a jacket from his closet when his phone buzzed and he quickly rushed over to check it, assuming it was Jenna. Instead, it was Josh-not like it mattered, though. He always loved talking to Josh.

u got ur outfit picked out?

Yeah. I'm trying to keep it simple but idk :/

send a pic

Tyler chuckled and took a picture in the mirror before sending it.

Tyler sent a photo
What do you think :o ?

Josh opened up the file and his heart did a back flip in his chest.
"Holy...wow..." He muttered under his breath. Why couldn't he be on this date with Tyler?

duuuude u look fine af ;)

Tyler felt heat rush to his cheeks and he typed a hasty reply.

Omg Josh shut up

make me ;))

Josh stop it


Josh I'm serious stop it




...I hate you, Joshua William Dun.

i love u too tyllie

Tyler grinned brightly and stuffed his phone in his pocket before pulling on his jacket. He really did love Josh, just not in the way Josh loved him.


He pulled the car up against the curb in front of Jenna's house and took a deep breath in, letting it out slowly.
"You've got this, Tyler." He looked at himself in the rearview mirror and fixed a stray stand of hair and his collar before hopping out of the car and going to the front door. He rang the doorbell and took a step back, hands folded in front of him. The door opened to reveal an older man with greying hair who smiled lightly.
"You must be the boy I've been hearing about."
"And you must be Mr. Black." Tyler's voice was shaky and he mentally kicked himself for it but held out his hand nonetheless. Mr. Black took it with a strong grip amd gave it a good shake.
"She seemed to pick a good one. She just won't stop talking about you sometimes and she-"
"That's enough, Dad!"
Tyler looked up to see Jenna comimg down the staircase. She had on a short sleeved collared shirt with a cardigan and a black pencil skirt that came to just above her knees and simple black flats. Tyler forced away the lump in his throat and smiled as she walked over.
"You look...wow."
Jenna laughed, and Tyler blushed.
"You two have a goodnight, y'hear? And have her home before midnight, Tyler."
"Yes sir." Tyler offered his hand to Jenna who took it after bidding her father goodbye. He opened up the car door for her and made sure she was seating before getting in on the driver's side.
"I'm so sorry for whatever he said to you." She averted her gaze with an embarrassed giggle.
"Nah, he was cool!" He smiled and laid a hand atop hers as he began driving.
"You sure? I mean, he can be a handful..."
"Anything's worth it so long as I get my date with you."
Now it was Tyler who laughed, and Jenna who blushed.



dude calm down wtf




Josh groaned and pressed the phone icon next to Tyler's name, holding it up to his ear.
He flinched and sighed heavily.
"You don't gotta yell, dude. I'm right here."
"Sorry, sorry."
He could hear Tyler giggle over the line and he tilted his head even though no one could see it.
"What's wrong?"
"That's the thing. Nothing is wrong. Everything is great. Josh, the world is beautiful and my life is perfect!"
"Tyler, what the he-"
"I kissed Jenna."
Josh went silent and his heart dropped like a brick to the pit of his stomach.
No no no.
This couldn't be happening.
This CAN NOT be happening.
"Josh? You there?"
"...yeah..." He croaked out.
"You okay? You don't sound too good..."
"No, I'm fine. Just tired." What a blatant lie.
"Oh, sorry! I'll let you sleep and just tell you about it tomorrow. Goodnight!"
Josh didn't reply after that. Instead, he immediately ended the call and chucked his phone across the room. Tears welled up in his eyes and he punched his pillow then collapsed face-first into it.
And he cried himself to sleep that night.

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