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Josh's mind immediately cut out Andy, Pete, Patrick, and Joe and focused solely on Tyler. Without thinking much, he took a hold of Tyler's hand before he could step put of reach and intwined their fingers, pulling him down close. Tyler's eyes widened as their forheads pressed together, Josh's grip tight on him.
"Tyler..." The drummer's voice was low and quiet. "I know you can do this. You're amazing-hell, amazing can't even begin to descrive how much I admire you." His hand trailed up his friend's arm to cup his face then moved around the back of his head to run his fingers over the soft fuzz of his freshly cut hair. Tyler relaxed at the contact, his head falling forwards and their noses brushing. He let out a shaky breath and Josh smiled radiantly. "I believe in you, Tyler. I'm right here. You can do this."
The younger stayed silent for a moment and was only snapped out of it when he heard the mumurs of the four boys behind him. Nodding, and puled away from Josh and walked over to the microphone and keyboard, glancing over his shoulder at Josh. The other smiled reassand counted off, then began playing.
As Josh played through the intro, he swayed softly on his chair with his eyes closed. But his eyes flew open when he heard Tyler begin the first verse. He knew Tyler was good-he'd always loved his voice, even when he was simply talking. But there was a new fire in it now, a sort of fierceness Josh had never witnessed before. He watched as Tyler moved his body to the beat of the drums, and his heart thumped in time.
The chorus hit and Josh played harder on instinct, Tyler's energy and connection filling the damp garage and making Josh's heart go faster.
When Josh dropped the drumsticks and Tyler cried out the last "yeah", Josh was in a world all his own. His eyes were shining and he was smiling brightly at Tyler, who turned to him with a smile on his own. The clapping and wild cheering from the four boys echoed in his ears and he turned his attention to them when Andy clapped him on the back. He was complimenting him on his drumming, but Josh wasn't really listening. Patrick had pulled Tyler aside and was obviuously praising him while Pete stood at his side, egging him about the meaning behind his lyrics. Tyler was all too happy to explain, and Josh thought it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Tyler's eyes were wide and excited and he was moving his hands about as he talked. He shifted his weight consistently from one foot to the other, leaving Josh to smile fondly at him. "Josh....Josh." Andy's voice was soft but it still tugged him back into reality. The pink haired boy blinked and turned his attention back to him.
"I, uh...I-"
"It's Tyler, isn't it?" Andy's voice dropped to a whisper as his eyes flickered between the two.
"What do you mean?" Josh tilted his head and Andy smiled.
"You like him, don't you?"
Josh's face turned the same color as his hair and he cleared his throat in discomfort.
"Well, yeah, I mean he's my best-"
"You know what I mean, Dun." Andy's gaze was piercing and Josh looked down.
"Yeah..." He admitted as he stole another glance at his friend.
"It's okay, Josh. I get it." the brunette nodded his head in Joe's direction. "It's hard having a crush on your best friend and bandmate, isn't it?" He chuckled.
"You're telling me..." Josh sighed and looked over at the curly haired boy. He was the tallest of the four of them, but Josh still had him beat. His nose was long and he stood with a kind of lazy posture, hands in his pockets.
"Let's just hope you get over yours."
"It's not good, Josh." Andy's voice had grown more serious now and it made Josh flinch. "I've liked Joe for six years now. It doesn't get better. I just...I don't want you to get hurt."
The two were cut off by Tyler running over and throwing his arms around Josh's neck, hugging him close and hiding his face in his collarbone.
"Thank you..." He mumbled as he nestled against the drummer.
"...yeah..." Josh averted his gaze and looked up to Andy, who only returned his look with a sad expression and turned away.
"Expect a call from my dad this weekend." Pete smiled as he pulled his hoodie over his head.
"We'll stay in touch." Patrick called from the end of the driveway. "See you Monday!"
They left and Tyler remained with his arms around Josh. The older slowly laced his own arms around Tyler's thin waist, his grip tight and snug. It would have been warm and comforting, if not for Andy's words of warning echoing in his head.

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