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[10/Don't leave me, you furry asshole]


"Did you get in to see Lydia?" Scott asked Stiles once he saw him.

"No, I tried using my free period but she's still in the ICU and no one outside of family is allowed in," Stiles replied.

"We got one thing," Desira piped up, joining the two boys conversation.

"Anything in here about half-werewolves, half-Kanimas?"

"The Chimera," Scott announced proudly.

"Um, what?"

"Chimera. It's a creature made of incongruous parts," Desira started.

"And if Liam said he found two burial sites, it means Tracy's not the only one," Scott finished.

"Who's the second Chimera?"

"And why do they bury them?"

"Deaton thinks it's a part of the process."

"The people in the masks," Malia said.

Desira got bored with this conversation, easily drifting out of it due to their technical terms, so she left the library to find the two sophomores she'd recently grown fond of. She grinned when she saw them in the hall.

"What's up, losers?" Desira asked perkily.

"Mason wants to go to a club tonight and he wants me to come too," Liam explained looking less than pleased.

Desira's face scrunched up when Mason starting asking her to go. His persistent begging made Desira roll her eyes and look at Liam.

"If I'm going Little Wolf is going too. I'm not about to be the only one dragged into this."

Liam looked as though he would cry and Desira playfully stuck her tongue out. Sorry, Little Wolf, she thought with a smirk.

Mason looked at Liam with deer eyes causing Liam to sigh and agree. Mason and Desira shared a high five while Liam looked distraught.

"See you then, boys," Desira announced while walking to her next class.


At the end of the day when Desira was finally home, she called Deaton hoping he would tell her something new about her powers. When she got just voicemail she sadly hung up. She walked into her make shift room and fell back on the bed. Desira thought about what she should wear tonight when she was going to the club. She wasn't a fancy girl, hell she only wore a dress once in her life. So she pondered her clothes mentally before giving up and deciding on shorts and a 3/4 sleeve black top, she didn't have many choices to begin with anyways.

She changed and looked in the mirror - Desira pulled her hair into a braid and smiled. She got her physical traits from her mother but she was a Stilinski bred and true. Desira sat down on the bed and began to work on the homework she was assigned for the night.

Roughly two hours later, Desira received a text from Mason telling her to meet them at the club's location. Sighing, Desira threw on her leather jacket and drove to the place Mason had told her about.

"Can you put your phone away for five minutes? Scott can howl if he needs you," Mason said desperately.

"I just feel like I should be doing something," Liam replied bashfully.

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