Chapter 2

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Shane's POV

Roy and I have been together for roughly 9
months and drag race just started airing. We moved into a apartment in New York and life was great.

"ROY!" I yelled up the stairs.

"WHAT?" slightly yelled in response.

"Dinner's ready and drag race is on!" I slightly yelled back. I finished plating the pizza I made and felt arms wrap around me and a head nuzzled in my neck.

"Hello." I whispered turning my slightly to see Roy. As a response I heard him sniff in my scent and the scent of the food right in front of me. Roy being the affectionate person he is started to suck on my neck and my neck subconsciously began to roll into it. I started turn around immediately brought into a bear hug.

"Are you ready to see what type of fools we are on National TV?" I asked stepping back and sarcastically jumping up and down with excitement. We both were terrified of how would be portrayed on the show. Normally we would be in a crowded bar at a viewing party but since the episodes were dwindling down we usually stayed home to watch them. This nights episode was the Colorevolution commercials.
We finished eating, cleaned everything up, and proceed to the couch afraid of how we acted this day. It all blurs into one thing as soon as you leave the studio, so trying to remember details is quite difficult. Roy clicked on the TV and heard the theme song begin and an instant feeling on nausea fell over me. I cuddled up to Roy so I could cover my eyes with his shirt.
"Babe?" Roy's gave me a confused look nudging me out from behind him.
"What's wrong?" He asked outing his arm around me and I subconsciously cuddled up close to him.
"I'm always nervous of how I get shown on the show. I don't want people to not like me." I said holding back tears, because I knew I was being a baby about the situation.
"You shouldn't be worried. Even if how you are shown on the show isn't exactly what you hoped doesn't mean people won't like you." He replied pulling me into a warm hug. I could smell his cologne which smelled like a campfire. God, he always knows exactly what to say and do to calm me down. How did I get lucky enough to find such an amazing person not only as a friend but as a partner. I can't imagine my life without him.
I look up from the hug with my head resting on his chest. All I could do was smile.
"Shane are you okay?" He asked giving me a curious look considering I was almost in tears just seconds before.
"I'm with you aren't I. How couldn't I be fine?" I say puckering my lips to show that I wanted a kiss. My wished were granted by pillows of softness that tasted of something indescribably sweet. The kiss was broke by my smile of course.
"Roy you amaze me." I say after the kiss was fully broken.
"What do you mean?" He asked with his adorable curious face.
"You can instantly put me into a great mood just with your smile." I said with dorky smile on my face. I look up to see him blushing intensely and shaking his head in a 'no' motion
"Roy its true. I'm so in love with you it's ridiculous." I say almost tearing up again but with a totally different emotion. These were happy tears. Roy wasn't one to really use words to express his feelings. He normally used actions because he believes in the old saying 'actions speak louder than words'. So I knew I was in for quite the treat by the look in his eyes. I was instantly attacked by his lips all over my neck and face. He started fast by found a sensual rhythm as he moved up and down my neck. I felt my self start to moan. I tried to hold them in as long as possible but eventually one slipped and I felt Roy's lips smirk against my skin, obviously achieving his goal. Our make out session was interrupted by the faint sound of voices coming from the TV. Our lips slowed down and we slowly separated smiling at each other.
"God I love you." Roy said with confidence.
"I love you too."
After watching the whole 7th episode I realized that I really wasn't the nicest person during drag race.
"Oh my god. What type of person am I?" I asked absolutely mortified at how I had treated Joslyn during the commercial challenge.
"It wasn't that bad." Roy tried to reassure me.
"Just remember that you and Joslyn are friends now. Everything is fine." I started to freak out even more as I thought about the whole world would react. Without a second thought I grabbed my phone and headed to Instagram and Twitter to see what people were saying. The first couple that I saw were about how happy people were for Trinity and Bianca's new friendship. A couple also complained about how they should have won instead of Adore and Laganja. And then I saw it the tweets started rolling in about my treatment towards Joslyn. Some said they agreed about how she wasn't as polished, but others seemed to be out for blood by the looks of their comments.
"Oh no. What am gonna do? Everyone hates me." I started to complain.
"No they don't, Shane. Just tweet something about how you and Jos are friends now and you didn't mean it. People on social media will believe anything." Roy said with confidence that he had found a solution. I tweeted back with kind words and went back to Instagram only to find multiple pictures of me and Bianca with people commenting their speculations on us being in a relationship. We tried to be as normal as possible when it came to affection. We didn't want to out the relationship quite yet. But people were getting suspicious and finding really good evidence. Screenshots of tweets and intimate photos were swarming my feed and I began to worry that things weren't working as planned.
"Mr. Ihavealltheanswers, what are we gonna do about this?" I asked sarcastically showing him edits of us.
"Well... Do we still wanna stay private or just come out as a couple?"
"I don't know. I'm just afraid that you'll get hate for being with me because I've been an a**hole on the show..." I said looking down at the ground thinking about what we should do.
"Shane listen to me now! You are an absolutely beautiful human being. I have never met anyone in my entire life that could even compare to you. The amount of love I have for you is indescribable. I don't ever want to hear you get down on yourself because of how you look on the show. I will not allow you to feel like we need to hide our relationship because you think I'll get hate? I'm a f*cking man in a wig who is undeniably in love with you Shane and I won't let you feel this way about yourself." Roy stated sternly but still full of love. I ran over and jumped into Roy's arms making us both fall on the couch. I began to attack him with kisses and persistent 'I love you's. Hearing Roy talk that lovingly makes my heart race a million miles a minute. After a solid minute of me attacking Roy I sat on his lap while he was still lying down.
"So what do you wanna do?" He asked me.
"Well... I want you to do me but..." I was interrupted by sudden burst of laughter.
"I meant about us coming out as a couple you dork." Roy said with slight laughter.
"Oh..." I said over exaggerated.
"I kinda wanna tell people." I said feeling myself blush.
"Ok let's do it." Roy replied in a happy tone."How do you wanna reveal it?"
"We could film a little vlog type video and post it on Twitter."
"Ok" I grabbed my phone on turned on the camera.
"What should we say?"
"Um go in the kitchen and start by saying you have an announcement and wing it from there." I headed to towards our kitchen following Roy's instructions. I took a deep breath and hit record.
"Hey guys. So I know I never really do videos but I had an announcement that seemed too important for words on a screen..." I started to look over at Roy sitting on the couch playing with the dogs that had been sleeping the whole time the previous events went down. I again felt a smile creep on my face and a blush upon my cheeks.
"Sorry I got distracted. So anyways I have a huge announcement that might answer some recent rumors that have been floating around and such. As most of you have probably noticed I haven't been in California for anything but gigs and that's because I moved to New York. Here I'll show you guys the view." I explained as I turned the camera clearly showing Roy and the dogs as I showed the camera the window.
"So there's my view. I moved to New York what 3 months ago?" I asked Roy hoping he would speak so he could help me through the whole telling the world part.
"Roughly yeah" he said in a his raspy voice that I loved so dearly.
"Oh and I'm not alone." I turned the camera to face Roy who waves and smiled like he always does.
"Hi" he said as I made my way to the couch. I grabbed Sammy who was sitting cuddled up next Roy, put him in my lap, and sat down. I felt Roy's arm around me which automatically made me calm and more comfortable.
"Ok so I guess this announcement has 2 parts. I moved to NYC and I'm no longer single. Well I haven't been single for awhile but you get the point. As most of you have been speculating Roy and I are in a relationship." I hadn't noticed my head was leaned towards the floor, it's a nervous habit. As I lifted my head I looked into the screen of my phone to see Roy looking at me lovingly, which obviously made my smile even wider. You always see those pictures of guys looking at a girl in 'that way', the way everyone wants to be looked at, and here I am experiencing that first hand.
"So yeah that's the big announcement. Roy do you wanna say anything?" I turn my head to see him still looking at me his smile growing slowly. He put his hand over the camera and kissed me lightly not wanting everything to be revealed at once. I giggled at how adorable he was being about the whole situation. He removed his hand after the kiss and began to speak.
"Yeah a lot of you had assumptions about Shane and I which y'all are really observant, because we tried to keep as secretive as possible with the show starting we didn't want any extra drama to add onto the stress the show has caused. Don't get me wrong the power of television has been amazing, but realizing that thousands of people are watching you is a little intimidating to say the least. But yeah we have been dating for close to a year now. What about 9-10 months?"
"Yeah we started dating right after the filming was over at the end of June beginning of July and now it's almost May. Time flies, but life's been great and the support from you guys is greatly appreciated. So we won't keep boring you with our endless thanks because you'll be hearing plenty of that as the show continues. So anyways I hope you guys like this small video of a huge announcement. If you guys are interested in me doing more vloggy type stuff let me know. Maybe it could be a thing for my YouTube channel who knows? Anyways thanks for everything bye!"
"Bye!" Roy added as I turned off the camera.
"I think that went pretty well don't you?"
"I have to agree!"

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