Chapter 9

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Shane's POV

Ever since Roy and I announced our engagement, the social media world had a minor explosion. Even though the support of our fans is wonderful, we haven't had time to celebrate. Roy and I have been booked completely for months. We were lucky enough to spend a week together in Australia for Bianca's Rolodex of Hate tour. The one night we had off in between shows we went out with my parents to reveal our engagement. Normal people would tell their parents the minute it happens but again the past few months have been a whirl win.

"Is it weird that I'm kinda nervous?" I grabbed Roy's hand, trying to settle his nerves, as we sat in the back of a cab.

"Don't worry. Everything will go great." I reassured him.

"I know. I know. But what if they stopped liking me. What if..." I stopped his rambling by pulling him into a kiss. I felt him sigh into the kiss and a sense of calm filled the car which hasn't been there in days. I broke the kiss seeing the smile I love so dearly.
"There's nothing to stress about ok? I will love you with all of my heart no matter what happens." I held him close feeling his heartbeat return to normal pace.
"Ok. Ok. I'll stop worrying. Did I ever tell you that I love you more than anything else."
"You may have said it once." I giggle and pecked him on the lips. We felt the cab park and we hoped out to make our way to the restaurant. I walked in through the door Roy held open for me. What a gentlemen. And looked around to find my parents sitting and talking. I felt a weird wave of nervous take me over. My thoughts were interrupted by Roy interlocking our fingers and rubbing my ring.
"You okay?" He asked as we walked to the table.
"Um... Yeah."
"No nervous. Remember you and me." My heartbeat slowed to a decent pace hearing Roy's voice.
"Shaney." My mom called out as we sat. Oh god what have I gotten myself into.
"Hello mom."
"Roy, how are you my dear?" She asked looking at him adoringly.
"Wonderful. You?" He grabbed my hand under the table while replying to my mother. It was obvious I was nervous but having Roy know what to do is the most comforting thing.
"Splendid now that you both have arrived. My son and his amazing boyfriend." She praised.
"Fiancé." I said somewhat under my breath.
"What was that dear?" My mom asked giving me her full attention.
"I said fiancé." I said slightly loud enough for her to hear. A look that I couldn't read waved over her face. I squeezed Roy's hand as I sat very afraid of what my mom might say. She always said what's on here mind no matter who's feelings she would hurt. I look at her confused when a smile swept over her face but she still sat speechless.
"Mom?" I look over to my dad who had a smile as well but zero words left his mouth.
"Are you guys ok?" I questioned becoming even more concerned when the silence went on for a couple of minutes.
"What's going on?" Roy leaned over and whispered to me.
"I have no idea." I whispered in reply.
"Could you both give us some type of reaction because I'm becoming slightly concerned. I think this is the longest time my mother has been quiet my whole life." I demanded.
"Sorry love, I was just planning the entire wedding in my head! This is going to be absolutely splendid! I couldn't be more excited! And of course happy for the two of you! I have so many ideas and..." I couldn't help but laugh at my mother's excited rambling. I heard Roy begin to chuckle behind me. I turn to Roy shaking my head in disapproval of my mother.
"Martha I think we should discuss the real issue... the flower arrangements." Roy joked with my mother making her laugh like he always does. I look at my dad and we share thoughts without saying anything. We have always been able to communicate this way. He looked at me like 'I told you so.', which was the most approving expression I have ever seen.
"What do you think of orange?" My mother's voice broke our looks.
"Not even over my dead body will we have any shade of orange at the wedding." I said with a serious face but a joking tone earning laughs for the table. Thank god this went well.
A/N: shorter chapter, but I didn't want to keep you waiting. I'm working on a really big chapter right now, so here's something to hold you off. Feedback is always appreciated. Hope you all are enjoying so far.

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