Chapter 12

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Roy's POV

My ears were suddenly ringing with the sound of a phone vibrating. I knew it wasn't mine, because I always leave it in the kitchen to charge overnight and so I have an excuse when I don't immediately 'respond' to emails or text messages. I try to turn and wake Shane so he can turn off his phone, but I'm immediately greeted with a ball of a body behind my back.

"Shane. Your phone." I coax while nudging away enough for me to move.

A mumble made it's way out of the covers "It's too early."

"Not my fault some crazy bitch is texting you this early." I dive back under the covers ignore the consistent buzz. The persist-ency of some people makes me wanna die. After several minutes I feel a cold breeze hit my back as Shane made his way from under the blankets.

"Really?" I sarcastically questioned pulling all of the comforter over me.

"Sorry." He hummed against my neck lovingly.

"Who keeps texting you?" I ask giving up on the idea of going to sleep.

"I'll give you one guess." He replied in an innocent yet slightly annoyed tone.


"How did you know?" Sarcasm filled his laughter.

"I don't know maybe the fact that he has texted you fifty times a day for the past week. And that ever since our season's reunion he's been pretty consistent in his communication with you." A hint of jealousy and anger was added to my tone.

"Do I sense jealousy Haylock?"

"Absurd Jenek... soon to be Haylock." I tease knowing that we weren't having the wedding for several months considering the business of our schedules. I turned to bring Shane back under the covers, wrapping him in a warm embrace.

"If our bookings ever calm down." His voice muffled against my chest.

"Don't jinx it. This is your first time having multiple bookings in years." I quipped.

"Whatever. And anyways yeah I don't know what's up with Ben this past year. And speaking of reunions, we have the season 7 one in a couple of days." He raised his head so we could have a more clear conversation.

"I think our little Dela has a good old fashion crush on you Ms. Act. And if it doesn't lighten up I'll have step in, considering the fact we are engaged and everything. And thank god I only had to make one of my dresses this year. That Rey is a lifesaver."

"I don't know if its a crush. Or maybe. I don't know we will see him at the reunion, and that will be the true test." He continued. "I know right. Marco had come through again for me, but next year your making my dress."

"Oh am I now." I smirked at his still sleepy yet excited face.

"You know the dresses you make for me are my favorites. Nothing compares to your skill babe." He kissed my cheek, while getting out of bed.

"Well I mean I won for a reason." I chuckled. "Oh I do have to go the WOWpresents studio today to film stuff for the countdown episode."

"Oh right. Do you mind taking the camera since I'm going to spend my first free day in weeks cleaning. We do still have left over footage from Australia, and I got some with Alaska and Willam last week." He rambled as he washed his face.

"Yeah I can do that. I'm meeting with Jamie after filming to go over the Rolodex bookings so I can edit while we have coffee." I entered the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. Turns out that this whole YouTube thing has become really popular with the fans and it gives Shane and I a more personal project to work on.

"Great. Thanks. Like I said I'm going to clean and then run to Marco's for a final fitting." We changed clothes while going over the day's plans.

"Can you hand me that bag? I love how on the few days I have 'off' I still somehow end up in drag. God bless." I rummaged through my half unpacked suitcases trying to find something easy for a Bianca day.

"Oh it must be so hard being loved and popular." Shane teased handing me the bag.

"Shut up." I grabbed him by the wrist and started tickling him.

"Stop Roy! Oh my god! Stop!" He tried to get out through his fits of laughter. I pushed him on the bed and kissed him passionately.

"I love you." I whispered after pulling away from the kiss with a smile.

"I love you too." He giggled and kissed me back.
A/N: Here's a short little chapter that I wrote to get my brain to start working again. I'm suffering severe writer's block with this fic, but I think I've found a new lead. I'll try my best to get the second and longer part of this out with in the next couple of weeks. Again so sorry for the months of wait.

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