Chapter 8

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A/N: I know that I am skipping way ahead time wise, but I got inspiration for this chapter so I decided to just go with it. Hope you enjoy.
Roy's POV
"What do you mean you won't be here for Christmas?!" My heart began to break as I heard tears come to Shane's voice.
"I'm sorry baby but I have a major event in Europe. It's killing me, but there's no way I can turn it down." I lied.
"Where did this come from you haven't had this gig until today?" Shane asked confused and upset.
"It's a surprise for like a pre-show introducing my Rolodex of Hate show. If I could miss it I would but my manager insisted on it." I tried to say anything that could seem like a valid excuse.
"But Roy this was going to be our first Christmas together. We were both busy last year. I really want us to spend it together." Shane started crying and I began to have second thoughts on my elaborate plan.
"I know. I did too. You mean the world to me and I want to spend every waking moment with you. We can do something when I get back. We can go where ever want and do whatever you want." I brought him into a hug.
"Ok... But can we at least make time to FaceTime or something." He asked solemnly and I felt myself start to fall apart.
"Absolutely!" I pulled away from the hug and kissed him passionately. I melted completely and I could feel him do the same.
"When do you have to leave?" He questioned after we broke the kiss.
"Christmas Eve. Tomorrow." I caught myself choking up.
"Ok well you should start packing, because my show is tonight and I want you to come like always." I could sense anger in Shane's voice which made me cringe. I hope that he isn't too mad because the outcome of this is life changing.
"Babe you were so good tonight!" I exclaimed as we walked into our house. The minute we walked through the door I began sucking on her neck, hoping to cheer her up before I had to leave. I started to unzip her dress when my phone began to ring. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Willam.
"Let me just take this real quickly. How bout you go wait for me in the bedroom?" I growled seductively seeing how turned on she was already. I answered as she walked away.
"Hey aren't you supposed to be sucking dick in West Hollywood..." I babbled until Courtney was out of the room.
"You're lucky I'm giving up my dick for you." Willam complained jokingly.
"Whatever. So you're in town?"
"Yeah and I have to pick you up from the airport tomorrow at 9:00 am and then we have to go pick up the ring?" Willam confirmed the plans set in place.
"Yeah, and did you tell Alaska about her taking Courtney out on Christmas so she will make it to the park right?" I asked feeling my nerves grow in my stomach.
"Yes, so one more time. Tomorrow I'm picking you up, we are getting the ring, and setting up for the proposal. Then Christmas night Alaska will bring Shane to the little park right outside of town where we will have decorations and all things romance. Shane will hopefully walk up and you will propose." Willam ran through the game plan quickly.
"Exactly. It killed me today to tell him I couldn't be here for Christmas. I just hope that he won't still be mad and say no." I nervous rambled into the phone.
"That's the last thing for you to worry about. Shane is so deep in love with you if make me wanna throw up and I have no gag reflex." Willam joked trying to calm me down.
"God you are such a whore." I laughed.
"I'm an escort how dare you."
"I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Willam."
"Bye bitch." I hung up and headed to Courtney who was now Shane.
"Who was it?" An innocently tone in his voice.
"Willam he was asking about our Christmas plans and I had to break the news about me not being here." I climbed onto the bed hoping that the subject would pass.
"Oh well I got a call from Alaska and we're going to hang out on Christmas." A weight was lifted off my shoulders, realizing that the plan was going perfectly so far.
"That's great." I started kissing up and down Shane's body. Luckily the conversation came to a halt and we spent the rest of the night enjoying each other's 'company'.
I woke up the next day filled with nerves and sadness. I pulled Shane closer to me knowing how hard this was going to be especially for him. We stayed in bed for hours just embracing the time we had. Something about it being Christmas time makes the leaving so much harder. We headed to the airport with a longing for love.
"I gonna miss you even though we have been apart for longer." We sat by the gate cuddled next to one another.
"Shane you know I love you with every ounce of my being right?" I played with his hair to distract myself from the sadness I feel.
"Yeah and I love you to the moon and back about a million times. Roughly." I chuckled at his cuteness. I pressed our lips together softly savoring the moment. We sat and talked until my plane began boarding. I know the people at the airport very well so I convinced them to let me get through security, but the minute Shane leaves Willam is picking me up. We kissed and hugged for what seemed like forever.
"I'm gonna go before you board, so I don't start crying like a baby." Shane giggled slightly.
"I love you." I whispered to him and pulled him into a final hug.
"I love you too." His voice muffled by my jacket.
"Bye I'll see you in a couple of days." Shane started walking away.
"Bye remember you and me." I reminded him as he left the airport. I immediately made my way back through security and began searching for Willam.
"Thanks Shawn." I thanked my friend who worked there for letting me do this whole thing.
"No problem Roy." I walked to the opposite end of the airport and finally found him.
"Bitch you ready?" He greeted me with a hug.
"You have no idea." We walked to his car and we drove to Tiffany's. I know it's really expensive, but Shane deserves it. We walked into the store and picked up my order.
"Thank you for shopping at Tiffany's" An older man handed me the bag.
"Thank you. Have a good day." We walked out and back to the car.
"Let me see it. Let me see it." Willam pestered like a 4 year old. I pulled out the box and revealed a diamond covered band with a strip of gold colored diamonds in between.
"Oh my god Roy! That's outrageously gorgeous."
"Do you think he will like it?" I'm a natural worrier so I needed some type of confirmation.
"Are you kidding me? He'll love it. Is there an inscription?" He inspected the ring noticing the cursive writing.
"Yeah it says 'you and me forever' it kind off a thing we do." I felt a rose tint cover my cheeks.
"Shane's talked about it before I find it nauseatingly adorable. Are you ready to check out the park?" We placed the ring carefully into the box and drove to the park. Both Shane and I have cameras, because he completely sucked me into the whole vlogging thing. I decided I would make a behind the scenes type thing after the whole proposal took place.
"Hey guys it's Roy and I'm here with Willam." I pointed the camera.
"Hello." He stayed some what focused on driving.
"So this is the behind the scenes of my proposal to Shane. And if you are watching this now then all goes well, otherwise I'm just filming."
"Oh shut up. This bitch is so fucking scared that Shane will say no. Really? All he ever does is talk about you it's gross." Willam joked.
"I can't help it. Anyways I have somewhat tricked Shane into thinking I am going to Europe for some Rolodex of Hate promotion, which seems really far fetched now that I think about it, but he bought it so. Yeah he dropped me off at the airport and then I met up with Willam and we went and got the ring." I explained while grabbing the box and showing the camera.
"It's fucking gorgeous you guys." Willam seemed filled with amazement.
"Now we are headed to this little park me and Shane go to sometimes. It's right outside of New York and it's really secluded so I'm hoping if we set up stuff that no one will touch it. Are we here already?" I questioned considering we had just got in the car.
"We are kinda in the middle of no where so there ain't that much traffic." Willam replied hopping out of the car.
"Ok so what's going to happen is Willam and I will be here, and Alaska is bring Shane here. She coming up with some bullshit excuse for why they are coming here. And hopefully everything will fall into place." I explained grabbing lights from the back of Willam's car and headed to the small gazebo. Willam followed shortly behind with more decorations.
"Guys I'm so fucking nervous. I don't think I have ever felt this nervous in my entire life. Not even my first show did I feel these types of nerves." I worryingly told the camera.
"Most of you people are 15-20 so you probably haven't actually met the one. It's a whole new set of feelings." Willam caught up and explained in the most logical way I've heard him talk.
"The nerves become more anxious, the love becomes more meaningful, and the sadness cuts deeper." I stood dumbfounded at the words that flowed from Willam's mouth.
"Hurry up we have to at least hide these decorations because it is way too dark to put the up. We will come back in the morning." We hid the decorations between some trees and headed to Willam's hotel.

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