Chapter One

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"Good morning class,I'm Ms. Cabello. I see a lot of familiar faces I've seen for 2 years now. I hope everyone had a great summer and I hope everyone is going to have a great junior year here in my class. I'm going to your homeroom teacher and some of your math teacher. Before I go on everyone stand up for the pledge"Ms. Cabello said as we stood up but I trip making everyone see me. 'Sorry' I mouthed out to Ms. Cabello as she nodded.

That teacher, Ms. Cabello is amazing. She's been my teacher since freshman year,we would always find time in class to talk about anything. I know its wrong to like your teacher but I can't help it. But I know nothing's going to happen because she's dating some guy,Shawn for a couple of months. Camila told me during the summer when I saw them both at the movies when I was with Ally,my best friend. Before they where going out Ms. Cabello would wear skirts or like a tank top something that showed skin but when I would see her out with him or even today she's wearing a turtle neck in a 80 degrees room,covering her skin.

For two years I've been trying to get her to see me as her friend rather than her student who is under aged. But I've like her for two years now and ugh its so frustrating when I see Ms. Cabello with Shawn after school when he's picking her up from school. I would walk past the teachers lounge to get a glimpse of her. And what do I get?I get my teacher talking to other teachers about Shawn, Shawn this and Shawn that and oh my God. Shawn doesn't even know who I am,Shawn's got himself a girl that I want to make her mine. Can he do that?Just come up from nowhere and just be with her I've been trying for 2 years.

That's not following the rules that has to be a penalty or something. And she's watching him with those eyes those brown eyes and she's loving him with that body I just know it. It makes me gag just thinking of them when she should be with me. I know he's holding her late at night I should be the one who cares for her,to love her,to be with her. You know I wish I had her,I wish I could go out in public and say to everyone she's mine,but then reality hits and shows me that I'm 16 and Ms. Cabello is 22 and has a boyfriend.

I have math with Ms. Cabello last period with Ally and Normani my other best friend.

"Okay guys have a nice day you guys can leave"Ms. Cabello said as we got our thing and left to our lockers. I saw Shawn go in the classroom and didn't come out with Camila they were in there for a while actually."Lauren are you coming?"Ally asked putting her books in her locker."I can but I'll call you guys. I just left my math book in the classroom,don't wait up"I said as we said goodbye. It was just me and the door that lead to Ms. Cabello and her boyfriend. No one is the hallways completely quiet until I heard screaming and a deep voice yelling.I walking fearful towards the door putting my ear on the vibrating door due to the screams,"Why would you do that Shawn I told you I didn't want to do it"I heard my math teacher cry I was fuming anger putting my hand on the door knob debating whether or not to open the door."SHUT UP,SHUT THE FUCK UP CAMILA YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU PUT ME THROUGH"Shawn yelled then I heard a slap and someone fall. I flung open the door seeing Camila holding her cheek crying everything off her desk to the floor,Shawn with veins popping out of him almost. "Lauren..
I'm fi-"Camila said not even finishing her sentence because she was crying. I didn't want to hear anything I walked over to Shawn who was trying to calm down and I grabbed him collar and pushed him,"Fuck"Shawn cursed as he got up holding his side where he feel and ran away. Camila kept on crying I didn't know what to do,I slowly walked up to her bending down soon crawling towards her and her cold body. "I'm here its going to be fine"I said as I slowly put my arms around her hoping it wasn't going to cross any lines. Camila fell on to my chest sobbing in my chest as I held her. "I know Lauren, I know" Camila said calming down I kissed her head as we stayed there. Until she had to go once again.

Authors note
Hey okay so I hope you like this chapter its kind of long but idk let me know what you think.
Love you guys

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