Chapter Five

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We were passionately kissing,usually when we kiss I pull away because I get hard but tonight is the night where we both lose our virginity's. We were both bare naked,my hard cock was resting on her stomach when I was attacking her neck. "God. Lauren" Camila moaned wrapping her arms around my neck. "Are you ready?" I asked pulling up to see how beautiful Camila is. Camila nodded,I grabbed my cock not having a condom and a lined my cock in her wet folds. "I love you,Camila" I said kissing her lips before pushing in half way,Camila scrunched up her face and griped my shoulder's. "Fuck this feels so fucking good" I moaned kissing Camila's neck. "Are you okay?" I asked concerned noticing she wasn't moving or talking.
"Ye-ah... Just go slow" Camila said letting out breaths. I nodded,I slowly rocked my hips back and forth pushing in all the way,I almost bursted right there but held it together. "Fu-ck" Camila moaned wrapping her legs around my waist. I don't know what came over me but I took Camila's nipple in my mouth hearing her moan,I started to pound her deep into the bed. "Oh-Fuck LAUREN!!!" Camila screamed as I felt her muscles clamp down on my cock feeling her liquids come out onto my cock. It was very slippery so every time I would go into her it would be deeper and deeper. "Fuck,Lauren going cum again!" Camila moaned loudly gripping on my back. "Fuck I'm going cum" I groaned picking up my pace,hearing Camila scream with pleasure music to my ears. "IM CUUMMMINGG!!" Camila yelled as she held on my arms. I felt something boiling up and with see Camila cum twice,and feeling the wetness all over my cock and her center. "I'm going..." I said pulling my dick out of Camila and shot out thick white cum all over Camila's stomach. I needed a minutes to catch my breath,dropping my body next to Camila. "That was..." I started to say but lost air,"Amazing"Camila finished saying. Camila and I were very tired so we cuddled up to each other all night.

A few months later at school I kept on texting Camila how much I love her and how much I love being inside of her. I guess that really turned her on because for a whole 30 minutes we were sexting. Which I never did before but I liked it. "Now class tommorw come back with your homework finished okay" Camila said eyeing me. I smiled at her,she dismissed the class I took my time getting my things,I saw Ally with Troy and Normani waiting for me,I glanced at Camila and walked to my friends, "Are you going to my house it's been forever since we hung out" Ally said,"I really would love to but I'm busy..."I lied,after school I'm with Camila and Dinah at their apartment. "Lauren that's what you always say if you don't want to hang out with us just tell us and not lie about it" Normani said sounding hurt. I hate lying to them but I cant just say I'm dating my math teacher its almost senior year and when I get my graduation cap I'll tell them. "Look guys I want to hang out but...I can't tonight I'm sorry" I said looking down seeing my friends walk away. I walked back to the classroom seeing Camila doing paper work. " ready to go" I said not in the best of moods. "Yeah..." Camila said getting ready. We walked to her car as I always help her with her bags. I drove to her apartment not talking the whole time. We got off the car and walked into her room. I plopped on her bed hearing her giggle. "My friends hate me" I said wanting to die. "Look Lauren..." Camila started I looked up at her leaning on the door frame, "What we have been doing is scary,our first date had to be a secret, our whole relationship is a secret... I don't want our love to be a secret. Lauren your 16 a kid,your a kid who had a little kid crush and fell in love...I'm sorry but seeing you like this isn't good. Your friends don't know,our parents don't know. Lauren I'm breaking up with you" Camila said wanting to cry. A kid she called me a kid...I thought to myself I was heartbroken, how could she say that? I love her,and she loves me. I got up very pissed at her and grabbed her by the arms,"A kid? A fucking kid Camz"I said throwing her on her bed. "Lauren stop, right now" Camila told me. "Or what your put me in detention, you'll call the cops?" I asked getting on her attacking her neck. "A fucking kid would get scared of that,a kid,please Camz your boyfriend was a fucking kid" I said grinding my hard cock against her center. "Lauren get off...FUCK!" Camila yelled as I took off her shirt and sucked on her nipple. "I have given up a lot to be with you,family,friends, school. Do you even care about that?" I asked taking off her pants. "Yes Lauren... I'm sorry" Camila moaned,I took off Camila's panties not wasting time and started to suck on her wet center. "FUCK!!
L-au-ren!!" Camila yelled holding my head in place. "You want to break up with me? Oh Camz you don't do that" I said shoving 3 fingers inside of her pounding her. "Fu-ck fuck fuck LAUREN IM GONNA..." Camila said arching her back closing her eyes mouth wide open as she came all over my fingers. I didn't give her any time before again shoving my 8 inch cock deep in her. "Lauren!! St-op" Camila screamed holding on my arms. "You wanna break up with me now huh? Who can pleasure you better than I can?" I asked pounding her feeling her cum all over my cock again and again. "Please Lauren please" Camila said looking into my eyes, I was hurting her, I didn't even realize it I quickly pulled out not caring if it would hurt,"Oh God Camila I'm so sorry"I said trying to hold her but she just cried covering her body. "Please Camz look at me,I'm sorry I didn't mean any of it" I said seeing how I hurt the girl I love.

Authors note
Hey so its really long don't worry the next one will be short
Love you guys

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