Chapter Four

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"Lauren,please stay after class I need to talk to you" Camila told me,we have been dating for 6 month already. I nodded my head meeting her eyes smiling. 'Camila jauregui?... Lauren Cabello?...Camila... I love when Camila fall asleep so I could admire her beauty. Or when we have a bake off last time I had egg shells and flour everywhere. Or when we snuggle up together in bed after watching movies. When am I going to met her parents, when is she going to met mine? When will I tell my friends, Camila already told her best friend Dinah.

Once the bell rang the students left,I texted Ally saying I stayed for tutoring. "So Ms. Cabello you wanted to see me" I said slowly walking to her desk. "Your such an ass" Camila said"What? Me?"I gasped in shocked,joking around. "Really Lauren, your suppose to put the date not,me please" Camila said showing me my paper I laughed looking at it,its even funnier the second time. "It's not funny,your such a ass" Camila said getting up from her desk. "Yeah,but you love me" I said kissing her hand. "Shut up" Camila said smiling at me. Camila grabbed her phone and answered it as I got her bags full of paper work for the weekend. "Hey...okay sure yeah I'll ask her,thanks...see your there Dinah bye" Camila said hanging up. "Babe,um can you do something for me" Camila said as we walked to her car," Anything "I said putting her bags in the back, opening her car door for her. I got in driving her car listening to music," Well Dinah's mom and step dad are getting married today,and since we missed the wedding because of school there's this after party,I need a date would you be my date?"Camila said me,I took my eyes off the rode looking at her,"Of course baby"I said kissing her hand I was holding.
"Great you guys made it" Dinah said opening the door hugging Camila and I. "It's nice to see you again Dinah" Camila and I say we gradually moved,away, Camila talking to the women in the kitchen,I was with the men talking about men things I wasn't paying attention I was just staring at Camila,laughing, enjoying herself. I can't help but fall in love with her.

"Ariana,is driving me crazy" Sean said rubbing his head, we all seat on the couch we turned out heads turns to him. "What's wrong?" I asked,being a girl I know how they work and feel. "We start to fight and then I don't want to fight with her but its like she's wanting me to raise my voice at her" Sean tell me. "I don't know what to do anymore we've been together for 4 months and I get hard" Sean says,"Well do you guys communicate with each other? "I asked," If communication,you mean lashing out on each other then yeah we do,a lot"Sean says. "Do you love her?" I asked Sean smiling and looked at the women in the kitchen and nodded,"Yeah,I do,I love her"Sean tells me,the rest of the men all smile at him.

"Have you told her? I asked feeling like I'm getting somewhere. " Well not exactly "Sean said," Problem solved,just tell her, obviously she loves you if she didn't then she wouldn't bother fighting with you she would just leave you"I told him,he gave me a smile and a pat on the back before speaking, "And your...16?" Sean asked sounding surprised. "Yeah, is that a problem?" I asked looking at all the men. "No its just...I fell in love when I was 16 to my first girlfriend and since I'm with Ariana it didn't work out with my first love,how do you know that Mila's the one?" Sean asked."Well I'm Camila's student and have been her student for 3 years already,she was different from the rest,I fell in love with her before we started to date. I wasn't much for sharing my feelings or for crying in front of people but when I'm with her, I could cry and I catch myself talking to her about my life. It's scary the word love,a very scary word go use. I only used it for one person, Camila. I see a future with her and I see us with bumps in our life and that's okay just as long as we're together having each others backs"I said,"And Camila that person for me"I finished,looking at her seeing her glance at me,smiling.
"Dance time" Dinah shouted as all the guys got up and got their girlfriends and walked on the dance floor. I took Camila's hands into mine and walked to the dance floor. It was a fun,up beat song,I was busting out some moves,the shopping cart, the sprinkler,the running man,Camila bursted out laughing. "You like what you see? I got more" I said smiling, I was doing the sightseer,I was pretending to be a mime. "Your such a dork" Camila said kissing my lips,"Only for you,Camz"I said kissing her forehead. The next song was a slow dance, instead of a DJ playing a singer came in. Haley Reinhart. Dinah's now married couple slow dance for a few seconds then everyone else came. "Wise men say...only fools rush in" Haley sang,Camila was holding me around the neck pulling me ever so close to her my hands where around her hips resting my head on her neck singing along to the song in her ear. "But I can't help falling in love with you" Haley and I sang. I could feel Camila blush by the sound of my voice. "Shall I stay?...Would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you" We sang,Camila and I swayed back and forth,smelling her hair,touching her,being with her..
I don't know how I could live without her. "Take my hand,take my whole life too. Cause I can't help falling in love with you". I just wanted time to stop,to be in this moment with her that's all I want. The song finished and when I pulled away Camila was crying. " Hey,Camz are you okay?"I ask worried I did something wrong,but when Camila started to laugh to herself I could finally breath again. "Perfect" Camila said kissing my lips. "Let's go home" Camila said I nodded,we said our good byes driving to Camila house.

"My parents are going to be worried why I haven't called them since school" I said taking off my shoes and my clothes I wore and put on a big T-shirt and booty shorts. "They're going to be fine,now cuddle with me" Camila said sticking her arms out of the blanket. I smiled and got in bed with her,"I wanna thank you for tonight"Camila said seductively kissing my neck,"Wait Camila, you don't have to do it I was just being me I don't want anything in return "I told her knowing the reason why Shawn broke up with her,I just did want her to feel like she owned me something for making her happy. " I know ,I want to...I love you and I want this"Camila said capturing my lips in a passionate,slow kiss.

Authors note
Hey guys its been a while,hope you like this chapter and I wrote a new story call Same love its a more serious story so yeah and Larry is going to be in the story (if you don't know who Larry is its Harry and Louis for 1D) but I'm pretty sure everyone knows about Larry.
Love you guys

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