Chapter Three

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For the pass 2 months we have been learning about Romeo and Juliet and I just have to say its a really great play. We're watching the movie in class today and we're allowed to bring snacks,blanket,and pillows being me of course I bring all of it.

All my friends were in another class so I don't think I'll be sharing my food or anything. Ms. Cabello and I have been getting close this pass month,I would lie to my friends saying I needed to do some extra credit in her class and I would spend my lunch period with Ms. Cabello talking and eating.

The reason why Shawn went ape shit on her is because it was their 5 month anniversary and he wanted to um... have sex. And she's a virgin,she wants to save herself for the right person. I still don't know why she would tell me this but I think it make us closer.

"Okay class I see a lot of you brought stuff for the movie,since this is your last class I will allow you to stay and finish the movie or Monday when you guys come back from your weekend" Ms. Cabello said turning on her projector screen and playing the movie. "Harry can you turn off the lights" My Math teacher said. In all honesty this school year is very confusing I mean 1. My math teacher is showing us a movie that our English teacher should be making us watch. But this year it's a little different,just like my math teacher a lot other teacher teach 2 subjects for example, Ms. Lovato,my science teacher. She teaches science and English. I know its weird but I'm thinking they're having money problems.

The movie started and I heard wrappers being opened and tossed on the floor,It was dark and I was sitting in the way back,texting Ally in science. I was wrapped in my warm blanket and I didn't really need a pillow it was if I fell asleep in class I didn't want to sleep on a hard wooden desk. I was eating some candy when I saw Ms. Cabello shaking due to the cold classroom. She sat in the back with me,why not its dark,no one is going to see us,just do it Lauren,I thought to myself as I taped on her shoulder,she turned her head and smiled,I didn't say anything I just lift the blanket and smiled,Ms. Cabello I guess got the hint and moved her chair quietly but when she moved in I could tell she wasn't comfortable. I scooted over on my seat so my math teacher can seat with me,and she did she moved,sitting on my seat as I wrapped my blanket on her. "Thank you" Ms. Cabello whispered in my ear making me shiver. We enjoyed the movie I did share my food with her,in half the movie we stopped watching and we ended up throwing food in each others mouths,cheering if we got it in. Once it was time to go everyone wanted to leave so My math teacher quickly got up not letting anyone see us and dismissed us. I stayed and picked up the trash. "Oh Lauren you don't need to do that"Ms. Cabello told me but I didn't listen. " Its okay I got it"I told her picking up the last wrapper. When I got up from the floor with trash in my hands I trip on my shoe lace and fell on a desk,trash went flying everywhere. I heard Ms. Cabello laugh as she helped me up. "Stupid desk" I said kicking one of the legs on the desk as I picked up the trash again. "Why am I feeling this,I'm not suppose to" I heard Camila say under her breath making my heart pound. I threw the trash away and walking over to my math teacher. "Well um I'll see you Monday" I said noticing my math teachers eyes,staring on my lips and then back to my eyes like she wanted to kiss me. "If you won't do it I will" I told her lowing my voice I knew Ms. Cabello like it because I saw her shiver. But she didn't move just staring at my lips. I slowly moved my hand to caress her smooth face as I grabbed her neck giving her time to do it the next step. "Camilla,please do it" I pleaded and I guess it worked because she moves her face and connected our lips. God this feel so good,I thought to myself as I smiled into the kiss. I pulled away when I felt my cock getting hard. "Lauren...I'm sorr-" Ms. Cabello started to say but I cut her off when I kissed her again. I knew Camila was starting to forget about everything and just focus on our kiss like I was when she wrapped her arms around my neck while my hand where on her hips pulling her closer. "Laur-en th-is is-nt right,-God this -fee-ls so -fucking good" Camila said while I kept on kissing her. It's a feeling like this,its centrifugal motion,its perpetual bliss,its that pivotal moment, its impossible, this kiss. Unstoppable. I pulled away looking into her brown eyes I never really saw her eyes this close. I could get use to this,I thought to myself. "Lauren we can't do this" Camila sighed looking down. "Camila,yes we can, trust me. It's could be perfect" I said smiling when she looked up into my eyes. "We can keep it a secret, I won't tell,you won't get in trouble" I told her as she smiled. "Okay" Camila said kissing my lips again. This just might be the best days in my life,I thought to myself.

Authors note
Hey everyone hope you like this chapter
Love you guys

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