Chapter Seven

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"Where are you taking me?" Camila asked blindfolded,we've been driving for a good 3 minutes and Camila was terrified since I told her it was a secret and made her wear a blindfold. "Okay Camz where here" I told her taking the blindfold off. "Oh Lauren its so beautiful" Camila told me kissing my lips rushing to look at the view. Since our fight we made up and I've been making it up to her every chance I get,tonight we're going out on a date. I made sure everything was perfect,it was a little picnic on clean cut grass in the back of an old skate park.

We got out the car walking toward the candle lit dinner,"How long did it take you to do all this?" Camila asked seeing Christmas lights around the trucks of trees. "Not a lot of time" I lied it took my friends and Dinah to hell with the lights and buying champagne. "This is really nice Lauren" Camila told me drinking her glass of champagne. It was so worth my time,I thought to myself eating a sandwich Troy made. Once we were done eating we stared off to the sun set. "It's so beautiful" Camila said looking at the colorful sun,"Yeah you are"I said staring at Camila she looked at me and blushed,"Stop"Camila told me playfully slapping my arm,"No,really your beautiful... The most angelic fairy I've ever seen"I said holding her closer to my body. "Has anyone told you that?" I asked.

"Just you"," Why don't I believe you? Shawn is the stupidest guy to not call you that "I said feeling bad no one call Camila beautiful, I call her beautiful everyday. I can't help it,it should be illegal to be that gorgeous. " You that one and only"Camila said kissing my lips. I pulled away looking into her brown eyes,not believing I'm dating my teacher, I don't see her as my math teacher, but as a person,my friend,my best friend, my soul mate. "Remember...never mind" Camila said blushing looking away. "No tell me" I said meeting her eyes contact. "Remember were rough with me last night?" Camila asked blushing already. "Yeah...was I too rough,I didn't mean to" I said kissing her neck which was filled with red marks all the way down. "Well I you to do that thing you did last night... Now" Camila said as I choked on my champagne, "Have you seen where we're at,have you been drinking too much?".

Camila smirked getting on my stomach," Oh that's fine don't listen to me"I said as Camila kissed my neck giggling when she heard my comment. Things got heated when Camila went lower on my jeans slowly unbuttoning my buckle. "Fuck just do it" I moaned getting frustrated with how slow Camila was going. "I'm not listening to you" Camila mocked me continuing to make me moan,"You never fucking listen"I said flipping us so I was hovering her body,taking everything off our bodies. I took Camila's stiff nipple in my mouth hearing her moan,"Fuck Lauren please I need... More"Camila moaned tangling her fingers in my hair. Before finding her a head up I shoved 3 fingers in her,"-OH SHIT LAUREN!"Camila screamed arching her back,"Are you going to listen now?"I asked pumping my fingers in and out of her,"Yes,fuck yes I'll listen please Lauren"Camila moaned. I looked up at her and smiled. God she's so beautiful, I thought to myself before pumping my 3 wet fingers inside of Camila center. I lowered myself facing her center,I've never done this to Camila before,I pulled my fingers out hearing Camila whine,I stuck my tongue out and started to lick all the wetness, "Oh my fucking God Lauren" Camila moaned,I wasnt tired at all so as fast as I could and as hard as I could I stuck my tongue deep inside of Camila moving my head back and forth, "OH LAUREN IM GONNA CUM" Camila told me arching her back shutting her eyes with her mouth open as a warm wetness covered my whole tongue, "Oh fuck you taste good" I moaned at the taste. I went up wipping all of her wetness off my chin as I came up to kiss her. Camila out her hand on my hard cock but I shook my head. "Tonight's its all about you" I said kissing her lips. "I love you" I said"I love you too".

Authors note
Hey guys so I hope you like this chapter
I don't know if you read my other stories,you should if you don't already, but I mentioned something about I'm going to put something in all my fanfics
Ill give you a hint for what to be expected in other upcoming chapters,guns,blood,school
Hopefully you guys got it
Love you guys

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