Chapter Sixteen

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(Last chapter)

"Lauren, wake up honey." Lauren heard her mom say from downstairs. She opened her eyes confused.

She wasn't in her room when she made that wish.

Lauren remembered the wish and she knew she wouldn't like it when she saw her math teacher but she knows it's the right thing to do.

Lauren hoped in the shower and got ready for school in junior year.
Lauren got to school and saw her friends. She smiled seeing Ally holding Troy's hand and Normani with her text books.

"Hey guys." Lauren said hugging her friends acting like she hasn't seen them in years.

But they brushed it off and hugged their friend.

Lauren looked around for her math teacher. "Hey, I'll be right back." Lauren said going to Camila's classroom.

Lauren opened the door seeing no one there. Lauren looked around before walking up to Camila's desk.

Lauren felt heart broken when she saw a picture of Camila with Shawn. "Lauren what are you doing?" She heard.

Lauren turned around seeing Camila with papers. "Nothing I was just leaving." Lauren lied walking to the door.

"Really? Cause I looks like you were going through my personal things." Camila said not remembering that she dated her student.

"No I wasn't going through your things. I was just looking." Lauren told her as she stopped right at the door.

"Well did you need anything or you just wanted to look at my stuff?" Camila asked seeing her student nervous.

"I just wanted to ask you something but it doesn't matter." Lauren lied. She really just wanted to see her but she can't tell her teacher that.

"Tell me." Camila said putting her papers on her desk.

Lauren stood there worried. She needed to come up with a lie and fast. "Well I just wanted to ask you if my grades were good." Lauren said hoping Camila bought it.

"I'll check. Come here." Camila said as she logged in her computer. Lauren walked over to her and stopped at the edge of the desk seeing that picture frame.

"Your grades are great like always. So are you gonna tell me the real reason you came in here?" Camila asked making Lauren regret coming in here.

"That was the real reason." Lauren tried to convince Camila. "Okay then." Camila said, Lauren smiled out of relief.

"First period is about to start so take your seat and wait." Camila told Lauren.

Lauren nodded taking her seat. She felt heartbroken that Camila couldn't remember her but that's what happens when you wish on a star.
Time passed and junior year ended. Lauren spent all her summer time with her friends and family not really remembering Camila.

Senior year started and Lauren showed up to school with a girlfriend, Jade. She met Jade in the summer.

They couldn't get enough of each other.

Camila now newly single couldn't help how she felt when she saw Lauren and Jade together in the halls.

She didn't like it. But she was professional and didn't act upon her actions.

Walking the hall ways Lauren would always look at Camila and remember that first day they kissed or when Lauren met Camila's friends.

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