Chapter Seven: The Way of Everything

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“We are now at our fifth stop. Please make way for all disembarking passengers. The next stop is...”

After hearing the intercom make this announcement, I stood up from my seat and disembarked off the train. As I stepped on the station, I immediately noticed the air of excitement amongst some of the passengers. Maybe it’s because some of the people I saw have Konoha headbands wrapped around their foreheads and arms, or oddly colored hair dyes and wigs, or large swords and guns made out of various materials slung on their shoulders and backs. Well, whatever kind of weird paraphernalia or material they have on them, their dedication for the cause is obviously noted.

And you don’t need to be a fortune teller to know that this is going to be one heck of a day.

I quickly sifted through my pockets and inserted my train card through the machine. It’s only a one-ride card, so I didn’t have to wait for it to pop out from the machine outlet again. I passed through the machine and began brisk-walking towards the bridge. I’m starting to feel giddy from all this excitement that I can’t wait until I get inside the mall.

Then my cellphone began to vibrate in my pockets. I pulled it out while walking, because if I did so much as delay another moment, I’ll never hear the end of it.

Ei, hurry up, u guys. Line’s gettng longr.

Sender: Rei

I pressed ‘Reply’ as I began to rush down a flight of stairs.

I jst got @ d station. I’m heading der right now.

“Message sent.” Are the words that are flashed on my cellphone’s screen. I placed back it in my pockets and quickened my pace towards the mall entrance.

Sure, this is going to be a big day. So big that I don’t even know if I’m ready for it yet.

* * *

Rei did say the line is long, but I didn’t expect its end to reach the third floor. I know that today’s convention is a big one, but I always find myself amazed at the large number of people it attracts. If Rei hadn’t gotten a place in line up at the fifth floor, by the time I reached the entrance, it would be late afternoon already. And it’s only quarter past ten. So I skipped the rest of the line and headed immediately for the top floor to look for the guys.

I saw him standing at the entrance, away from the line. When he saw me, he smiled and waved at my direction, but what I answered was a scowl. I thought he’s in line, so how come he’s just standing right there?

“Ah, there you are.” He greeted as I came within earshot.

“Why aren’t you lined up yet? The line’s way long, you know.” I muttered heatedly. There is no way, NO WAY, I’m going back down there and get in line, because it’ll take me forever to get back up here. Rei must’ve noticed my expression because he gave me an uneasy grin.

“No worries. Booth owners get a free pass.” He said in an attempt to appease my foul mood.

“Booth…?” I repeated, puzzled. “What booth?”

“Anthony didn’t tell you?” He asked disbelievingly, as if I said something very unbelievable. Well, would I be asking if I knew? I thought.

“We setup a StepMania booth inside. Anthony and Teku are still working on it, though.”

“StepMania? What’s that?” I asked, still not getting anything that comes out from his mouth.

“It’s like DDR... well, you’ll know when you see it.” Rei replied shortly. Then he took some kind of laminated card affixed with an I.D. lace from his bag and reached it out for me.

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