Chapter Thirteen: Decisive Discord

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“Amy, you won’t believe on what happened!” I began excitedly the moment Miguel opened the door to let me in.

“Oh?” She asked as she looked up from the magazine that she was poring on. As I stared at her, I couldn’t help but notice that she’s getting healthier… or at least, looking healthier. She’s not taking any treatments to cure her sickness yet, but since she had been obediently taking medicines for maintenance, Amy managed to get back in shape, even though she can’t leave the hospital. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she isn’t sick at all.

“So, what happened?” She repeated, obviously intrigued. I took a deep breath and told her the results of the tournament’s elimination yesterday. Today is the tournament day, and even though the event itself is not due until later this afternoon, I just can’t seem to stay put back at home. So I immediately headed on over at the hospital to tell Amy the good news.

“Wow, nice one!” Miguel remarked as I mentioned my qualification for the finals. Amy, however, said nothing. She just contented herself by smiling weakly at me.

Er… not the kind of reaction I was expecting from her… I thought honestly. I expected her to go nuts about the matter…

“What’s wrong?” I asked, a bit crestfallen. “Aren’t you happy?”

“Well, I am.” She said rather hastily. “It’s just that… I kind of expected that you’d be able to make it in.”

“Oh…” I mumbled, a surge of relief coming over me. “Well, I’ll take that as a compliment.” I added, grinning. Amy just flashed a grin back at me.

“So why do you look like you haven’t gotten any sleep?” Amy began as she observed me. Well, not exactly the best conversation topic, but I suppose I do look tired, because I am.

“Well, did you expect me to sleep after all that has been happening?” I asked her. She pondered on this for a moment and gave me a look that says, “I guess so.”

… Well, the anticipation is one thing, but there’s also another matter that bothered me last night. That pain from my leg kept on throbbing so much last night that I can’t sleep very well. For now, the ache’s gone, but obviously, when I come back to play, it’ll be all over me again.

And, of course, I can’t tell anyone about it. I don’t want to worry anyone, nor do I want to be bugged by anyone. I’m doing this all for Amy and, if I’m to beat the likes of Maya and Jonathan at the tournament, I can’t afford any additional obstacles.

After I get this deal over with, I’m going to take a long break from playing… I thought, making a mental promise to myself.

“So, what have you been doing around here?” I began, while trying to avert the conversation towards me.

“Ah, the usual.” She said, waving her hand out in the air. “Reading a few magazines, drink some medicines, have a walk around…”

“You can walk already?” I repeated pleasantly. For that, Amy gave me a withering stare and I just grinned broadly back at her.

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