Chapter 19

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"Ok. So, we'll get Taco Bell to cater, black on my side, white on your side, after party will be Superfruit themed, ice cream cake, Spongebob wedding toppers, and we'll preform Can't Sleep Love. Oh, and of course, we'll get the whole thing filmed, for the fans. Sound good?" Mitch suggested, typing the notes in his phone.

"That's a wedding I wanna be a part of." I said, excitement rushing through my veins. 

It's 5 months till the Scomiche Wedding, and I couldn't be more excited. We're making Wyatt dress up in a tuxedo and be our ring bearer, it's going to be amazing.

Mitch put down his phone and turned towards me with a smile on his face.

"I can't wait!" Mitch squealed, tackling me on the couch and pecking kisses all over my face.

"Mitch, I know your excit- Mitchh!" I laughed, trying to push him off of me.

"Hey, you shouldn't push your fiance off of you! I'm making you pay, Mister soon to be Grassi-Hoying!" Mitch threatened, trailing his hands to my sides.

"Mitchell, I swear to all things ho- NOO!" I yelled, squirming around as he tickled me.

"This is what you get for pushing me off of you." Mitch smiled, tickling me harder.

"MITCHELL COBY MICHEAL GRASSIII!" I yelled, tears coming out of my eyes from laughing.

"O-Ok, f-fine." Mitch said in between laughs, letting go of me and falling to the ground, laughing his ass off.

"Ya, keep laughing. That was so funny, wasn't it?" I said sarcastically, sitting up and wiping my laugh tears away.

"Aww, I'm sorry." Mitch smiled, got on my lap and kissed my cheek.

I was trying to keep a mad face on, but I couldn't with the most adorable boy in the world smiling at me.

"C'mere you jerk." I joked, grabbing his face in my hands and kissing him passionately.

Mitch straddled my waist and put his arms around my neck, and I held his waist. His hands traveled down my chest, going up my shirt and gliding his thumbs on my scar. His lips went down my face, across my jawline, and onto my neck. He kissed it hungrily, biting it once in a while. I rolled my head to side, giving him more room.


We can't have sex for 2 more months.

"Babe, hold on." I whispered, pushing his hands away from my scar.

"What's wrong? Do you not think you're beautiful? Do you want me to kiss your scar again? I will if you want me t-"

"No, no. You've reminded me that I'm beautiful twice now." I interrupted, Mitch smiling and blushing.

"Then what is it?"

"We can't have sex for 2 more months."

"UGH I FORGOT!" Mitch yelled angrily, plopping his chest on mine.

"I'm sorry." I said, running my hand through his hair.

"It's ok babe." Mitch sighed.

We sat there in silence, figuring out what to do now.

"Does kissing my scar count as "sexual activity"?" I asked, making Mitch's head pop up with a grin on his face.

"Hopefully not!" Mitch said, smiling and pulling up the hem of my shirt.


"Anddd, done!" Mitch exclaimed, dropping the pen down on the kitchen counter, looking at the over 50 wedding invitations all scattered on the counter.

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