Chapter 5

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When I woke the next morning, I was greeted by the smell of eggs and bacon. I got out of bed and looked in the mirror. I was still in my clothes from yesterday and my frizzy, brown hair was wild. Not much different than other days, I concluded. My makeup was smudged as I'd forgotten to remove it from yesterday. I grabbed a washrag and wiped at my eyes. The makeup took a little to get off but then I was ready to go downstairs.

I walked slowly down the stairs, peaking my head out from behind the stairs to see who was cooking. It was Mike. I should've guessed. Peter and Davy were in the living room watching some cartoon. Magilla Gorilla, I think. I chuckled as I jumped off the last step, startling Mike.

"Awe. Mike, I didn't mean to frighten you."

"It's okay. I was just making some breakfast. Would you like some?"

"I would love some."

"Well, it will be done soon so you can do whatever while you wait." I decided to watch cartoons with Davy and Peter. I walked over to the couch and Peter scooted away from Davy so I could sit next to him.

"Good morning love." Davy wrapped his arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"So. What are we doing today?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Hmm. I dunno. What do you want to do?"

"I wanna shop!" I exclaimed like a small child. Davy gave me a sideways glance and grinned.

"Alright then! Shopping it is! After we eat though because I'm starving."

"As am I," I responded, looking over into the kitchen where Mike was putting fried eggs onto each perfectly made place at the table. "Is the food ready?" Mike looked up and smiled.

"Yes. Yes it is." I all but sprinted to the table and took my usual seat at the rather small table right between Peter and Davy.

On the plate in front of me was two fried eggs and bacon, veggie bacon of course as Mike knew I was vegetarian. I waited for everyone to sit at their rightful spots at the table before I noticed Micky wasn't there.

"Where's Micky?" I asked curiously, picking up a piece of my V bacon and biting off the end.

"He partied too hard last night and he's sleeping it off," Peter spoke. My eyes widened.

"Really?" I said through a mouth full of bacon.

"No," Peter laughed. "He's just taking a shower." I slapped his arm playfully.

"You're so silly!" I told him, trying to contain my giggles.

After that, it was hard for me to make myself eat slowly as I realized how hungry I was.

When Davy had finished, we both stood up from the table to go get dressed.

When I went to look in the drawer of clothes I kept in Davy's room, I decided on a mid-thigh length blue dress with flowers all over it. I pulled it over my head and then walked over to the mirror to work on my makeup.

I swiped on some mascara and gently tapped on some blush. Then I brushed my tangly brown hair and pulled it up into a loose ponytail. I grabbed my purse off the dresser.

I took one final look in the mirror and stepped out into the hall. I could see Davy combing his hair in the bathroom at the end of the hall.

"Come on beauty queen," I called. "I haven't got all day." He chuckled and came out of the bathroom.

"Okay, your highness. I'm ready to go," he told me crooking his arm so I could slip mine through his. I looked at him funny.

"You know we both won't fit down the staircase like this," I told him, unlinking my arm with his and jogging down the stairs. He was right behind me and then we were out the door.

We hopped into the Monkeemobile, him driving, and he slowly pulled out of the driveway and headed in the direction of the shops.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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