Chapter 4: Good Clean Fun

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"Well, I don't think you'll ever see them again so why not?" he said. I squealed with delight. I started with John. I went over and gave him a light kiss on the lips but I guess that wasn't enough for him because he grabbed me and kissed me again.

"John!" Davy said.

"What? Just some good clean fun," he said. I walked over to George and gave him a slightly longer kiss. I pulled away and he smiled, revealing his fangs. I then walked to Paul. I gave him a kiss and he was dazed for a moment after I pulled away. Lastly, I went to Ringo and gave him the longest kiss of all. He was the best kisser I concluded in my head.

"Goodbye now!" I tweeted and waved at them as they walked out the door.

"How were they?" Davy asked.

"What do you mean?" I replied, just being annoying.

"Were they good kissers?" I asked.

"Oh. YES OF COURSE THEY WERE GOOD KISSERS!" I exclaimed, hugging Davy. I kissed him.

Man, he's a better kisser than Ringo, I thought.

"But, you are the best kisser," I said, kissing him again. "I love you. Thank you for introducing me to the Beatles."

"You're welcome, love. Anything for you," he said.

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked.

"I think the really question is how did I get so lucky?" he answered.

"Well, maybe we found each other at the right moment," I said, smiling at him.

"Yea. That's probably it," he said. "What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know. Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure. What movie?" he asked.

"I don't know. You pick," I replied.

"Have you ever seen Head?" he asked with a sly smile.

"No. What's that?" I asked.

"It's the Monkees movie," he said.

"Oh. Let's watch it!" I said.

"Okay, let me go get it," he said, going upstairs to find it. I looked around the room. They had pictures all over their walls. My favorite one was the stiched one that said "Money is the root of all evil." I think it's very true.

"I found it!" he said, popping it into the VCR.

"Cool," I said. He sat down next to me and I cuddled into him and he put his arms around me. We watched the movie for a few hours.

"That was interesting," I said, yawning.

"You tired?" he asked.

"Yea," I said.

"Let's go to sleep," he said, taking my hand and walking up the stairs. I climbed in the bed and he climbed in next to me.

"Goodnight, my beauty. I love you," he said, wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you too," I said. And soon after, I fell asleep.

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