Confessions of a brain that ran out of memory

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There comes a time where there is nothing to complain about in my life but I still find things to complain about like how a dude in chorus who I'm sure is a senior and acts like a fucking moron 2 year old . Or how I secretly hate certain people but I can't whisper their names to any living soul or else I'll be named worst person of the century. But today I'll talk about how much I hate my brain, actually the part that stores memory's and helps me get things done because HOLY HELL ITS NOT DOING ITS JOB. I have a planner for a reason , to write down things so I can look and say 'oh yeah I'm meant to do that' BUT IF I WOULD REMEMBER TO LOOK AT IT AND SEE WHAT I NEED. It's like the 9 thousandth time I've been stupid and forgot one thing I needed to bring home EVEN THOUGH I had it written down EVEN THOUGH I asked everyone what we had for homework in the classes we have together EVEN THOUGH I was told a million fucking times I STILL FUCKING FORGOT MY BOOK I still fucking forgot to bring my Fredrick Douglass book home. And your probably saying 'oh just go online and read it' you'd think that be okay but NO the damned teacher thought instead of keeping it the way it was and giving is multiple choice quizzes on what we read SHE DECIDED TO COLLECT THE BOOKS and see what we marked up and annotated. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT ALL TO HELL.

I'm just a little girl , my brain don't work, y u do dis 2 meh. I'm only trying to get an education and good grades and you go and make it way harder to be me because I know I'm not perfect and I try my fucking hardest to be perfect and remember shit but oh my god I just can't. I just can't. I can't stay awake during math because I'm not interested and it's hard for me to understand . I can't do chemistry because I need everything explained 1 million times. I can't fucking do this English class because I feel like a moron every time I walk in to the room. I feel nasty and upset that I just can't and I see friends around me succeeding and saying 'oh my god this is so easy how are you struggling with this I find it so easy I just don't understand how this could be hard for anyone' like jerks and I always feel stupid.

ENOUGH EMOTIONS THOUGH enough emotions. Ugh the next one will be about boys again. And one of my favorite bands Bowling for Soup, explains how I feel right now perfectly
"I'm a photograph in need of a zoom"

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