I have decided to talk about the bus system today. Not only the horrendous people I have to spend a couple minuets of my life with every day, but also the bullshit drivers.
Since I said 'horrendous people' first I'll just dig right into it. Now the morning bus I have to catch at 6:50 or 7:00 if the driver is lazy that day , comes when people are still waking up so no one really talks. But I understand because I don't either and I would prefer if the afternoon bus was this way also.
The morning being paired with the winter being brutal and mostly in the negative temperatures where I live is complete shit but we somehow survive. I usually have my music blaring and making me deaf and the dude that sits behind me can hear it. Also there aren't a lot of people that get on this bus because it is an early bus for people with early schedules.
The afternoon bus being completely over populated with the ghetto ones that take up the most space. No one apparently knows what an inside voice is because you can't hear a word of what the person next to you is saying because SOMEBODY FEELS THE NEED TO SCREAM WHAT THEY WANT TO SAY TO THE PERSON NEXT TO THEM WHICH MAKES EVERYONE ELSE GO NUTS BECAUSE THEY CANT HEAR WHO THEY'RE TALKING TO. Aside from the constant scream laugh that one black girl has that makes your ears bleed, the stuck up white dudes with money who feel the need to call everyone a faggot INCLUDING the bus driver,, are far worse.
They talk about sports and go over the same conversation at least 5 times, they accuse people of being whore's , they call people fag's which is just disgusting , and they are homophobic asstowns who need to get slapped or decapitated (no offense to anyone reading this)
Even though the black girls scream and don't know how to talk with out a cuss word every sentence , you learn some shit listening to them. I learned what 'thot' meant, I learned that someone was cheating on their man, I learned that one girl is a major whore, I learned that one of the girls grandpas passed away. these girls are educators and should get an award for teaching a very pale white girl what is currently happening in the world. Thank you screaming black girls, thank you.
The afternoon bus also means I have to go home with my big sister ,whom I mentioned before. I love my sister and i think we are really close but when she doesn't save a seat for me on the bus and i have to sit with a stranger is where i cross the line. i don't like new complete strangers that don't even say hi or be polite because i'm awkward and they don't speak to people like me. its not a racial thing because everyone on the bus is like that. if you are not part of their group there is no point in talking to you apparently.
my sister can be a bitch at times but when shes on those days everyone already knows. she will be talking to someone else about something someone did that was shitty or she actually wants to tell me for a change and i don't have to lean back so she can see said person and listen to what they are saying. most of the time she is in a good mood and well talk about our days and i will scream no at her when she wants to jump on my back and make me carry her back home from the bus stop. ugh sisters.
NOTES: Hello people of the world again. i realized that when i give nicknames to people i usually base it on how they are or how their personality is, well at least i try to. also i want to thank you again for reading this! you don't have to because its all just mind farts. also if you actually enjoy this THANK YOU!! and i hope you all stay sexy.
Novela Juvenilwell climb aboard onto the roller coaster that is life and lets explore the inner tracks of my brain and try to find that one place that wont stop playing that song. thank you for your time.