Leo's POV

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Surprise, I wont be able to update again because this week is review week and exams are next week with SAT Subject Test

Leo’s POV

            Entering the dining room with Piper, Leo found everyone waiting for him. Everyone except Percy and Annabeth. He thought. And it is my entire fault!

“Hey, guys.” He said.

Leo winced in shock as Hazel got up to hug him. “Just ‘Hey, guys’, Leo, do you know how worried we were about you? You didn’t come out of that room for days.”

He hugged her back. “I know and I’m sorry. I was just working on Archimedes’ spheres this whole time.” Working on them was a way to get my mind off what happened to Percy and Annabeth. It was a way to distract me.

“Ok, but why wouldn’t you come out to eat? I’ve—we’ve miss you a lot these past days!” Did I just hear ‘I’ve’? So, she missed me.

“You guys did?”

Getting up, Jason said, “Of course we did, Leo, what do you mean? You are one of us. You’re our friend; you’re my best friend, Leo!”  They care about me!He thought.

A voice in his head appeared. Their lying, Leo, they don’t care about you! You’re just the repair boy! They just want you here because they can’t manage the ship without Percy. No one cares about you!

Gaea! He replied in his head. That’s not true! They care about me.             

They never cared about you, Leo! The only person who ever cared was your mother!

Don’t bring her into this! You have no right to bring her into this.He thought.

Gaea said. But I have every right!

Another voice arose in his head. The voice whispered, Leo, mi hijo!

Mom! No way! She’s dead!

No she’s not dead! She’s been in my custody this whole time. If you join me, you can finally be with her, Leo, you can be happy again. Gaea said as she disappeared from his head.

Should I join her to see my mom? Or should I not? What would my mom want?

Author's Note

1) I am very sorry I didn't update these past few weeks.

2)My SAT scores are coming in on thursday, May 23rd.

3)Sadly, we lost the championship with the score being 77-71.

4)Lastly, guys, please review and read my stories not only this one. 


Question of the day: Why does Leo think it was his fault that Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus?

First Answer gets dedication

All rights go to Rick Riordan.

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