Hazel's POV

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Hazel's POV

Dedicated to kdmiller06

Hazel sat with Frank on the railing of the Argo II as she watched the sunset. It was really beautiful. The sea was calm and the birds chirped. It was peaceful. After Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus, she never had the chance to be with Frank alone. She wanted to enjoy this moment.

Looking at Frank, she asked, "Why don't we do things like this more?"

Kissing her forehead, Frank replied, "Because we never have time. We are never alone. When we are done with one thing, another thing happens. Most of the time we are separated. That's why?"

By separated, Hazel knew he was speaking about Leo. After they fell, Leo had gotten himself locked in his room doing who knows what for 5 days. When he came out by force because of Piper, she had hugged him. Frank was probably jealous of Leo. She didn't want to ruin the moment, so she didn't bring it up. "But I want to do things like these. Look at Piper and Jason, their always together." He looked at her. "I'm not comparing our relationship to theirs, but I want to spend more time with you. Is that too much to ask?"

Taking her hand, he said, "I know Hazel and I'm sorry. It's just when you are alone, you are doing something else. When you're not, you're either with Leo or Piper. I am going to try spending more time with you. Ok."

He kissed her. "Ok!"

"Well, well, well, Frank and Hazel."

Turning around, we saw Queen Hera. On instinct, we bowed. "I knew Romans had better manners than Greeks, but whatever. You can stand now."

We stood. Frank quickly said, "Queen Hera, may I ask, what you are doing here? Especially after what you've done to Percy and Annabeth."

She replied, "I came to help you. They were never supposed to fall into Tartarus together. That wasn't the plan."

Hazel asked, "Well, could you help them?"

Smiling, she said, "I've already helped them."


"I am a God, aren't I? Anyways, I came to tell you that the Spirit of Delphi issued a new prophecy."

We were confused. "Spirit of Delphi?"

"She is like the equivalent of Octavian, but better. She speaks real prophecies. She's an Oracle."

They had those. "Ohh. What was the prophecy then?"

"It was this,

Demigods shall travel to the ancient lands

To find who were lost and see them safely returned

Fire will have to make the choice

To preserve or raze Olympus

As he will be left behind

And fail to save the person he cared about most.

"There you go! Now go tell the others the new prophecy. Leo will have many hardships and betrayals throughout his journey." She said as she vanished.

"Leo? What does this have to do with Leo?" Hazel asked to Frank.

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out. Now, let's go inside and tell the others the prophecy!" He said putting his arm around her.

She sighed. "Our 'alone' time is over then."

"Yes, it is!" He replied as we went back inside.

Author's Note

1. I am going to try to update again before Thursday because I am leaving on that day and will not be able to get on for a long time.

2. I updated Shining Hope.

3. I finished school.

4. Take a minute to pray for the Oklahoma victims.

Remember Read, Review, and Vote.


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