Chapter 3.

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Dean rolled over and froze. Someone was in his bed. His first thoughts led to Sam. You really are crazy. He slowly opened his eyes seeing a mop of black messy hair. A small smile found his face as he looked down to the sleeping boy.

"Cas?" He whispered, nudging the boy softly. Cas moved slightly letting a small groan escape his lips. "Cas?" He whispered again shaking his arm. Cas's eyes fluttered open as he looked around the room then focused on Dean. A hint of a blush crept on his face.

"Hello Dean."

"Sorry for waking you. It's almost breakfast time." The boys fell into their everyday morning routine, scooting around each other until they were ready. They both left the room and entered the cafeteria sitting in their usual spots.

"Cas!" Charlie rushed over and sat next to Dean eyeing Cas. "You just left me!" Cas looked down to his hands and blushed lightly.

"Sorry." He whispered making Dean smile smalley.

"Well I'm happy you're okay and even happier you got Dean to smile." She smiled and nudged Dean. He smiled again looking to Cas. "Anyways I'm going to the activity room for music time. You boys should come when your done eating." She winked at Dean and got up rushing out of the room.

"I think that would really help in the healing process." Cas stated putting air quotations around healing process. Dean chuckled and shrugged.

"Sitting in a big group singing kumbaya is a healing process?" Dean joked earning a small laugh from Cas.

"Hey you never know. We should go." Dean shrugged again and the boys finished eating. They put their trays away and made their way to the activity room, sitting in the group Charlie had formed.

"Angel got green eyes to come out of hiding?" Balthazar asked earning a laugh from the group. Dean sat down awkwardly between Cas and Charlie. Everyone's eyes landed on them.

"You ok?" Cas whispered to Dean. He nodded and focused on Charlie ignoring the comments on his sudden urge to participate.

"Good morning guys!" Charlie exclaimed as she grabbed a pair of bongos. "Pick an instrument!" Everyone huddled to the middle grabbing anything available. Dean reached down and picked up a guitar with a small satisfied smile.

He looked over at Cas who was focus on Charlie. "You're not going to play?" Dean asked raising an eyebrow. Cas shook his head and smiled waiting for Charlie. Dean softly began to strum a familiar tune.

"Dean how about you start off the group activity today." Charlie said as she smiled widely. Dean was about to shake his head when Cas's held his shoulder.

"You should remember it's a healing process," He joked making Dean smile. The green eyed shrugged and smile before strumming. Everyone fell quiet as he began to sing. Dean closed his eyes and let his emotions out as he sang sending chills up Cas's spine. When finished the room erupted into whoops and clapping. Dean smiled as he looked to Cas, a grin plastered on the blue eyed boy's face.


The rest of the hour was filled with Dean's voice singing songs from his past, Cas's favorite being Hey Jude.

"That one's my favorite too," Dean said as the music hour came to an end. He and Cas decided to walk around the hallways heading no place in particular. "My mom use to sing that to me ever night, that being her favorite Beatles Song." He smiled sadly as he looked away from the blue eyed boy.

Cas slipped his hand into Dean's blushing lightly hoping the green eyed boy wouldn't push him away. Instead Dean softly gripped his hand and they continued to walk in silence. Every few minutes Cas would glance over at Dean trying to read his expressions but he could never figure what he was thinking. He soon gave up and they found there way to Cas's room.

Cas peered in seeing Balthazar was gone and the boys made their way to Cas's bed. Cas quickly picked up the papers that were scattered on his bed before Dean could see any but one feel. Dean picked it up and stared at it in aw. It was his first drawing of Dean. Cigarette hanging from his plump lips and a razor framing his cheek.

"You weren't suppose to see that," Cas said his cheeks burning. Dean smiled his fingers grazing the paper.

"Cas this is really good," He whispered finally looking at him. Cas felt as if his cheeks were on fire. He busied himself with picking up the rest of the papers until Dean grabbed his arm. "May I?" He nodded towards the papers. Cas blushed and shrugged pushing them into his hands. Dean sat on the edge of the bed and began to look over then. Most of them were of Dean but the ones that Dean really focused on were the ones about a fallen angel in a trench coat.

"This is the man in my dreams." He stated quietly. He looked up at Cas, his green eyes wide. "The man that saves me from Hell." Cas's eyes grew big as he looked around the room picking up a picture.

"You're him." He handed Dean the painting. "The righteous man I use to call him. He would appear in my dreams, his face always blurry or covered in blood. I remember looking for him and when I did, I saved him."

"That's me." He pointed to the painting. "You're my angel Cas." A blush crept onto Cas's face as he smiled.

The rest of the night Dean hummed old beatle songs as Cas would explain the dreams he had, and the nightmares he faced. They would scoot closer until their legs were tangled, close enough to feel the other's boy breath. In the end the boys once again fell asleep lying next to each other, and the first time in a long time, they dreamt of beauty.


Authors Note

Kind of a short chapter.. Sorry for the long wait promise new updates

Thanks for reading :)

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