Chapter 9

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Dean woke up with a jolt, breathing in as if he emerged from dark water. He got wide eyed and panicky as he looked at the world around him, the leaves no longer beneath him.

"It's okay Dean, you're okay." A female voice called out shaking his whole being. He tried to pull himself up but couldn't, something kept him down. For the first time he really opened his eyes and looked around. He was restrained to a hospital bed, a white room closed him off from the real world.

"Where's Cas?" His voice cracked as he pulled against the restraints.

"You'll be okay Dean." The voice called again making him turn towards it. An accent was laced between her words. He focused his eyes on her name tag, 'Bevel.'

"Where's Cas?" He choked out again, tear slipping down his cheeks. "Where is he!" He began to throw himself around, doing anything to break loose. "Where is Cas!" He continued to scream as men entered his room trying to sedate him. "Where is he?" He cried out before his world went dark. Little did he know a young blue eyed boy waited at the end of the hall, clutching his mouth as tears ran down his face.


Cas sat at the end of the lighten hall way with half a heart. Every hour he could hear Dean's screams for him, his prayers for his angel, but he couldn't do anything but listen. He kept telling himself, it's for the best. He needs this. But everything just felt so wrong. He stood up and slowly walked to Dean's room. If Lady Bevel caught him trying to see his lover he would be thrown away. He successfully made it into Dean's room and finally laid his eyes on the green eyed boy before him.

It's been weeks since Cas looked into the boy's soul and what he say broke his heart. A cry of agony escaped Cas's lips as he looked down to the boy infront of him. Dean laid there as if he was connected to the bed, his skin attached to the restraints. Sweat ran down the boys temple, mixed with his own blood. He was thin and lighter than Cas has every seen him. He cried out softly as he rushed to the boy's side, grabby his bony like hands.

"Dean I'm so sorry," he whispered, pushing his lips onto his hand. With a shiver the other boy woke up quickly taking his hand back, and with that Cas's worse nightmare came to life.

"Get out." He croaked. Cas stopped, meeting the broken boy's eyes.


"You heard me. Get the hell out." Dean's eyes looked dark and unfamiliar, shattered even.

"Dean please-"

"You left me here!" His voice rose, it cracked as well as his eyes grew misty. "I put my faith into you and you left me here, let them play with my mind." He closed his eyes and a tear trickled down his perfectly freckled cheek. "I left you into my world, into my heart, and you gave me away Castiel." Cas's heart broke to hear his full name leave his lover's lips.

"Dean I-" Dean turned away and began to shake uncontrollably, pulling against his restraints leaving red marks around his wrist. "You're hurting yourself!" Cas yelled trying to grab Dean meeting his eyes.

"It hurts a lot less than trusting you!" He yelled out calling the attention of Bevel's men. Cas was dragged out to the sound of Dean's screams, piercing his mind and his heart.


It's very short and I've got a lot of work to do but I wanted to thank those who stuck around for this story and I promise you it will be worked on! Thank you soooo much for the support! ❤️ Next chapter will be longer, promise

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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