Chapter 5.

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Dean softly pressed his lips against Cas's as he closed his eyes, enjoying the company of the blue eyed boy that laid next to him. They stayed like that for hours, melting into kisses and talking no louder than a whisper until daylight shone through the window.

Somebody knocked on the door as the boys pushed away from each other. Doctor Masters entered with a smile as the boys looked up to her. "Good morning Dean. Castiel." They nodded their mornings before she continued. "Dean can I see you in my office?" The green eyed boy nodded before standing up. He leaned over Cas pushing his lips onto his for the last time before heading out. They walked into her office and Dean took a seat across from her.

"So Dean I've seen you made a lot of process this past month then your 6 months here." He nodded.

"I feel better." He replied honestly. She jotted something on her notepad and looked back up to him.

"Castiel has worked on you better than any medicine I can prescribe you but you do understand Mr. Winchester he won't be here forever." He nodded as his heart fell at the thought of Cas being gone. "More sooner than later Castiel is being released really soon."

"I understand Doc." He stood up. "Is that all?" She nodded before he stormed out of the room and back to his where Cas was waiting. He smiled and patted the spot next to him. Dean sat down and sighed as Cas slid his hand into his.

"How'd it go?" He asked looking to him. Dean plastered a fake smile on his face.

"It went great. Doc says I've gotten a lot better. I guess angels are watching over me." Cas's cheeks reddened as their lips connected, Dean's heart heavy.


"I thought the two of you meeting will bring you out more but in reality it's even worse!" Charlie whined as she sat on the bed the boys laid on. Dean chuckled as Cas smiled facing her.

"Like I've said before Charlie singing kumbaya in a big group isn't a healing process it just screams suicide." Dean grunted making Cas laugh quietly. Charlie pouted crossing her arms.

"You were a lot nicer when you quieter." Cas nodded in agreement as Dean pushed him playfully. Charlie smiled to herself as the boys began to whisper to each other, she slowly got up and exited the room happily.

Dean connected there hands together as he looked to Cas. All he could see was the blue eyed boy leaving him and honestly it hurt like hell. "Cas run away with me." He blurted out. Cas laughed turning towards Dean. "I'm serious." Dean sat up and held onto Cas's hand for dear life. "We can get out of here for good. Get an apartment like we talked about." Dean smiled as Cas's eyebrows furrowed.

"Dean I don't know-"

"Cas please." Dean pleaded.

"What's gotten into you? Why do you want to leave all of a sudden?" Dean ran his fingers through his hair and he leaned against the wall.

"The doctor also told me you'll be released soon and Cas I can't lose you too." Dean bit his lip as he looked to Cas hoping he wouldn't take pity on him.

"Dean I'm not going to leave you if that's what you're worried about." Cas whispered running his hand over Dean's.

"Then run away with me. We can leave tonight." Dean got up from his bed and began to rummage through the small dresser next to his bed.

"Dean." Cas sighed as he got up stopping Dean from moving. "I can't." Dean's heart felt as if it was stomped on by an elephant. Crushed.

"Why not?" He asked making sure his voice didn't crack. Cas breathed out and began to put Dean's things away.

"I just can't Dean. We're only teens! What are we even going to do huh? We have no plan."

"I can get a job as a mechanic Cas! You can enroll back into school for the rest of the year! We can do this! Don't you trust me?" He asked, pleading him to stay.

"Of course I trust you Dean." Cas began to trail off before shaking his head.

"You don't trust me enough to leave with me."

"I never said that!" Cas shout back before picking up his sketches. "How about you come get me when your not being so childish." He stated as he left the room leaving Dean to his thoughts.



Cas felt like crying after he left Dean's room. He rushed down the hallway and back into his room closing the door behind him leaning on the frame. He sunk down to his knees as tears welled up in his eyes. His sketches scattered across the floor as he gripped his hair there fight repeating in his head. Just hours before they were cuddling up against each other, how could things go to hell so fast?

Someone knocked on the door making Cas jump. He swung the door open hoping Dean would be there but instead stood Doctor Masters with his bag and a smile.

"You're being released tomorrow, I wanted to give you enough to time to get your things ready." She sat his bag on the bed and rubbed his shoulder as she exited the room. Tomorrow? He sat down on his bed and looked to his bag debating on what should he do. He quickly picked up his sketches putting them into his coat pockets. He grabbed his bag and threw everything he had inside before leaving his room and back down the hallway. He stood in front of Dean's room wondering if this really was the right thing. Before he knew it his knuckles met the wooden door which swung open revealing the green eyed boy.

"I'll run away with you."


Another short chapter... I'm sorry. Thanks for reading.

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