Chapter 7.

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"Just admit it Dean were stuck!" Cas exclaimed earning a grunt from Dean. The boys were on the highway, Cas's trembling body leaned against the impala as Dean's arms were coated in oil. He finally backed away from the hood and sighed.

"Karma's a bitch isn't it?" Dean mumbled as he sat next to Cas. They say there in silence for a while thinking of their next move, both boys drawing up nothing. Cas looked over to Dean, the other boy's eyes glazing over. Cas slowly slipped his hand into Dean's squeezing softly. The older boy didn't respond, his hand limp in Cas's.

Cas felt a blow to his heart when Dean didn't even try to squeeze back making him take his hand back and look to the ground. "What now?" He asked quietly.

"I don't know Cas stop asking." Dean growled before getting off the car. He walked around to the front and looked threw the engine. Cas watched Dean, the green eyed boy messing with the engine in anger. Cas tried to think what could have made his boyfriend so mad. Was he annoying him? He bit his lip in worry, finding himself worthless once again. He spared Dean from becoming even more frustrated with him and slipped into the car.


"Cut the boy some slack." Sam stated while Dean busied himself. "Look at him." Dean slowly stopped what he was doing and moved away from the engine, looking into the impala's window. Cas curled himself against the passenger seat, his head resting on his arm, eyes closed and scrunched. Dean felt a spring of guilt run down his back as he recalled lashing out at him. Sam crossed his arms which made Dean roll his eyes.

"Shut up Sam." He growled before turning towards the car. Sam stopped him before he could get back to work.

"Dean it isn't working. Get in that car, apologize, and wait till morning." Dean looked up to his younger brother clenching his jaw, realizing he was right. Dean sighed and looked away, closing the hood and making his way around the car. A small smile found Sam's face as Dean slipped into the car.

Cas quickly awoke as Dean scooted closer. He smiled sadly making Dean's heart hurt. Dean then connected their lips and whispered apologizes on his lips. Cas hushed him, pressing his lips harder on Dean's, pulling him closer, cupping his cheeks softly. The boys stayed that way durning the night, lazy kisses and warm cuddles until the sun shined again.


Dean sat in the driver's seat staring at the sky for hours. Cas slept soundly next to him, his body curled up against the door. Once again the sleepless nights returned, Dean began to feel sick again, his head pounding loudly. He got out of the car quickly and began to throw up on the side of the road waking his boyfriend. Cas rushed out the car and began to rub Dean's back, giving him words of encouragement.

"Get off me." Dean whispered making Cas raise a brow.


"Get off me!" He yelled pushing Cas away. Dean felt as if walls were closing in on him, his lungs being limited to air.

"Dean I just want to help." Cas protested quietly taking another step towards him.

"Get away from me Cas! I don't want your help! I don't need it!" Dean's head began to spin as Cas backed away, hurt in his blue eyes. "Cas I didn't mean that," he said quietly but it was too late. The black haired boy began to walk down the highway alone towards the awaiting sun.

I know I know it's weak I'm so sorry 😭😭 I haven't updated in for ever and this is more of s feeler chapter it's so short I know I'm a terrible writer 😭 I do hope you enjoy tho I promise this time I'll upload the new chapter soon!

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