Chapter 8.

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"Now look what you did!" Sam yelled at his older brother as Cas walked away. Dean rolled his eyes and began to walk the other way. "Where are you going?" He yelled trying to keep up with his older brother.

"Home Sammy. This was an idiotic idea from the start. I was blinded but now I can see." He continued to walk when Sam grabbed him, his arm going right through his body. "You're not real Sam!" He yelled out into the open sky turning towards his brother. The taller boy's face fell as Dean stared at him. "You're not real. You never were. You're not even my brother." Sam stopped walking his mouth hanging slightly open. It took Dean a minute to realize what he down, regret filling his mind immediately. "Sammy I didn't mean-"

"You seem to not mean a lot of things these days Dean." And with that his brother was taken away with the wind, tears threatening to fall from his forever changing eyes.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean yelled throwing a fit. His fist hit the trees repeatedly until he heard a crack making him scream in agony. He sat on the ground and held his injured hand close, his head pounding.

"Dean!" The green eyed boy lifted his head as Cas neared him. He backed up and leaned against a tree trying to regain his breath. "Dean let me help you," Cas pleaded once more dropping down to his knees.

"Just go away." He croaked his eyes watering. He was losing everything now. His brother, his lover, and his mind.


Cas couldn't help the tears slipping down his face. Dean was different now, different then the smiling boy in the pool. Different than the late night dancer. Just different. The blue eyed boy didn't know how long he was walking but found himself back at Chevy Impala. He sighed and sat on the hood looking out into the woods until he heard a cry.

"Dean!" He got up quickly and rushed to the trees, not a care in the world of what it might be. "Dean!" He yelled again as he spotted his lover, crouched on the forest ground, his knuckles bleeding. "Dean let me help you," He whispered nearing him. The panicked look returned to Dean's face as he pushed himself into the tree.

"Just go away," he said in a low voice, his eyes dark. Cas could feel his heart splitting in two but continued to get closer to Dean. "Go away Cas!" He yelled making the other boy flinch but not turn away. Once he was eye level with the green eyed boy Cas ran his fingers through his sandy colored hair.

"It's okay Dean." And with those words Dean's eyes filled with tears and his body began to shiver. "It's okay." He said again, pressing his lips softly to Dean's.

Throughout the night Cas would whispering those same words as there clothes were lost, there bodies pressed into one. Each kiss was like a drug, that pulling away for even a second Dean would loose himself in his mind, but instead lost himself in Cas.

They stayed in those woods until daylight shown through the leaves waking Cas up. He looked to his freckled face lover next to him, tears building in his eyes. He couldn't stay with Cas, he couldn't help him. The blue eyed boy kissed the other boy's forehead. He needed to take him back.

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