Chapter 4.

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When looking back the first kiss the boys shared together was something out of a story book. Sure, there wasn't a knight on a white horse and dragons but it sure as hell felt like magic. It was the night of Cas's 18 birthday, it was the best present he ever received.


"Cas?" A soft voice murmured shaking his body. Cas groaned and wrapped the blanket around himself tighter squeezing his eyes shut. "Castiel?" Another shake. Cas finally gave up as his eyes fluttered open meeting beautiful green ones. The freckled face boy smiled and helped him up setting a birthday hat on his head. "Happy birthday!" Dean exclaimed raising his arms. Cas smiled as he fixed the hat on his head.

"How did you know it was my birthday?" He asked tilting his head. Dean laughed and bit his lip.

"I asked Charlie." He admitted. Cas's grin grew as Dean took his head and walked him through the halls. "Since we're stuck in here I couldn't get you anything I wanted this day to be very special." Dean squeezed his hand pulling him through the hospital.

"Dean you didn't have to-" Cas started to say but was cut off by a large group singing the tunes of Happy Birthday. It was a little off key and very loud but that didn't matter. The smile on Cas's face grew larger as they finished, people clapping and whooping.

"Come on there's more." Dean grabbed his hand again and the made there way to the stairs. Dean put a finger to his lips indicating to be quiet. He looked around and opened the door and made his way in dragging Cas along with him. They ran down the stairs and made a left entering a warm room. Cas looked around seeing the hospital's pool at their feet. "Charlie also told me you love to swim." Cas wrapped his arms around Dean's waist holding him tight, silently thanking him.

Dean began to strip as Cas blushed softly. The green eyed boy stood there in only his boxers and pointed to Cas's clothes. "Those have to go." Cas smiled and slowly peeled off his clothes watching Dean. He seen long lashes framing his back and cigarette burns around his chest. His heart felt heavy seeing all the scars scattered the other's boy body. Dean smiled at Cas when he finished grabbing hold of his hand. He gave him a wolfish grin before jumping in, bringing Cas with him.

Cas floated to the top as Dean ran his fingers through his now wet hair. Cas's laughed as Dean's hair pointed in all directions. After hours of horse play the boys finally got out of the water. Dean wrapped a towel around Cas's shoulders.

"Thank you Dean." He whispered and shivered. Dean smiled at him and grabbed hold of his hand. He handed him another towel and the boys left the pool room. "Where are we going now?" Cas asked trying to keep up with Dean's speed. They raced down the halls, slipping past the rooms and taking a right. Dean opened the door and led Cas into a dark room. "Dean I can't see." Cas laughed feeling around for the other boy.

As his eyes tried to adjust to the darkness a song started to play. It was the beautiful Beatles song that Dean sang only days before. He felt Dean's hands on his waist as he started to sway his hips. Cas wrapped his arms around Dean's neck and began to move with him. "I don't normally dance in the dark with boys." Cas laughed as his head rested in the crook of Dean's neck.

Dean chuckled sending vibrations down Cas's spine. "I don't want to ruin the surprise." He replied, his voice soft. The boys stayed like that for a while, swaying to Hey Jude, not a care in a world. Cas lifted his head to say something when soft lips brushed against his. It took him by surprise but slowly he fell into the kiss not wanting to let go.

When they pulled away Cas couldn't turn away from those gorgeous candy apple green eyes. The lights were dim but bright enough to make out all of Dean's features. Cas couldn't take his eyes off him, like the kiss took his breathe away. His legs felt weak making him lean on Dean.

"Was that my surprise?" Cas whispered finally making a small smile find Dean's face. The green eyed boy shook his head and gestured to the room. Cas finally broke the stare and looked around the room, gasping in awe. All of his drawings were strung up against the walls. On the floor laid a blanket with a basket sitting on top of it, candles all around the room. A picnic. Dean laid down looking up to the ceiling. Cas followed him, his jaw dropping as he looked to the ceiling.

It was a beautiful painting. An angel stood tall at the top of the painting. All was black except for the blue grace surrounding him, his arm outstretched for a man in chains. Their hands connected. It was Cas pulling Dean out of hell. Cas looked over to Dean seeing the green eyed boy staring at him with a small smile. "Do you like it?" He asked shyly fidgeting with the amulet strung around his neck. Cas smiled and leaned over pushing his lips to Dean.

"I love it."


Short chapter I'm sorry! Thanks for reading ! I'm updating soon I promise.

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