Chapter 4

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"Oh my goodness!" Stevie Rae was the first to say anything when we landed. Her blonde curls bounced when she turned her head with so much enthusiasm for the entire group and then some.

I giggled at how cute and girly my best friend could be. It only seemed like yesterday she died and then un-died to become the red High Priestess that she is today.

Rephaim looked bewildered at the new sights that British Columbia holds. His eyes were wide, an attempt to take it all in at once. "This place is so different it is difficult to describe," he mumbles.

Aphrodite just gave the outside window a stare then flipped her hair, dismissing whatever thought that she had over the new country. Darius had a suitcase on wheels propped up on his left side and an arm wrapped securely around Aphrodite's waist on his other side.

I took a long look out the window myself and regarded it. "It is definitely different than Tulsa," I stated.

Once everyone was hustled outside onto the curb where we had Son's of Erebus Warriors in cars ready for us, we piled in and were on our way to the Vancouver House of Night.


"Are they here yet," Ryan asked for the umpteenth time since we were waiting just outside the gate with Anna and Artemis.

"Shut up, kid. They'll get here when they get here," Chris replies with less than enthusiasm.

"Maybe they're just stuck in traffic, you don't know yet," Leo says, trying to make up for Chris' dry mouthed replies to Ryan.

"Be quiet, you will not speak unkindly of any High Priestess, especially when a High Priestess in the vicinity," Anna hissed at all of us.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at how immature everyone was being. Artemis gave Anna a look that basically said, "Don't bother." Vic stayed quiet beside me, his arms crossed over his chest as he scanned the street for any vehicles coming our way.

Enough!  I shouted into my mind. I said it so loud that everyone in the group should have at least heard something.

Ryan winced and his mouth shut tight to whatever complaint was about to come out of it. Chris looked at me and let his gaze drop in submission. Vic smirked. Leo flinched and he too went quiet. Anna just looked at everyone like we were all crazy. Artemis smiled and put a hand to her mouth to hide a mock-giggle.  I sighed.

We waited for about fifteen minutes more. A sight at the corner of my eye caught my attention. A black SUV was coming our way and pulled into the parking lot. Three more followed. They were here.


We got out of the car and there was a small group of people just outside the gate. One of them I recognized at High Priestess Artemis, the other six people I didn't know who they were.

I went to the car that held our bags and went to grab one of my own and a Warrior stopped me. "We shall carry your luggage, Priestess."

"High Priestess Zoey, how lovely it is to see you all here safe," Artemis suddenly chirps.

"Merry meet, Artemis," I replied and when we were close enough, gripped her forearm as she did the same to me. 

"I would like to introduce my secretary, Anna. She helped with organizing this visit." I gripped her forearm as well. She seemed awfully tense.

Stevie Rae came up behind me. "Hello, I am Stevie Rae, the Red High Priestess to the red fledglings."

Once the greetings between us priestess' were established, a cough came up behind the girl, Anna. The five people that stood with Artemis were calmly standing there, quite patiently.

"Oh! Dear me, I nearly forgot," Artemis exclaimed. "Sorry, Kai, it was my honest mistake."

The only girl that stood there looked kind of sheepish. "It's no problem," she replied. For some odd reason at this, Anna glared at her. 

"Zoey, Stevie Rae; I'd like to introduce my finest students at the Vancouver House of Night. This here is Leo Raymond," Artemis stated, gesturing to a short, scrawny kid with unruly hair and the fledgling mark on his forehead. "Ryan Mulch," she pointed to a tall guy with sandy blond hair that swept over his brow, almost masking his mark. "Chris Peterson," a huge black man with a shaved head. "Victor Badge," another tall guy with black hair cut short, fledgling Mark almost blazing blue on his Native olive tone skin. "And last but not least, Kai Riddleson," Artemis gestured to the only girl in the group. Despite her short size, she seemed like she was a pack leader to the rest of the group of five.

With hardly a flick of Kai's head, they all stood straighter before bowing deeply with a hand over their hearts in unison. "Welcome to the Vancouver House of Night," Kai states.

"We hope that you enjoy your stay," Victor says as if completing Kai's first statement.

"Thank you, Victor," Shaunee says, trying to be conspicuous and failing.

Victor stood tall again. "Please, just Vic is fine," he says with half a smirk.

Shaunee blushed at that. Kai let a flash of rage flicker on her face before turning to stone once again.

"If we are quite finished with the introductions, perhaps you would all like to be shown to your rooms and get settled for a two week stay," Anna says suggestively. I thought I caught a little bit of hostility in her tone but it was quickly dismissed when the Warriors went to the cars to retrieve our luggage.

We came up to the professor's wing of the building and our luggage was placed into groups of two for all of us. Stark was flopped on the bed while I was sorting out our clothes into the drawers.

"I don't know about you, but I am dead-beat tired," Stark mumbled as he watched me.

"Yeah, it's just the jet-lag. You'll get used to it," I replied as I held up two shirts that were both black. I held them up for him to see. "These yours?"

Before he could answer, there was a knock at the door. I looked over, "Who is it?"

"Kai Riddleson."

I went to the door and opened it. "Something the matter?"

"None at all, just wanted to inform you that we will be having dinner soon and High Priestess Artemis wanted everyone to join her," she paused. "If it is not too much trouble she specifically says."

"Oh, no, no trouble at all. We'll just get ready quickly and the two of us will be right down."

Kai smirked. "Would do you like me to escort you down?"

"Uh, sure, if that is not too much trouble."

She nodded before walking away. Before I closed the door, I heard a window open then quickly shut. Odd. I went back into the room and kicked Stark off the bed, telling him to wake up and get ready for tonight.  

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