Chapter 13

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Vic could see everyone from his high view point and couldn't help but let out a quark of concern for the wolf form that purple hues of steam swirled around. She was keeping up with the rest of the group, but she was really beginning to show favour in her left fore leg.

Kai growled for Vic to "stop that racket" but it wasn't like he could really help himself. Hell, even Ryan kept looking at her in question whenever she so much as loped a little slower than the rest of the pack. Chris made sure to stay beside her to be something to lean on if she ever started to fall behind.

How far away is Kitty's anyhow? We all knew how far away the little cabin was, but we were going for so long without a word to each other since we took our last break and I guess Ryan just couldn't handle the silence anymore/

Just up ahead. Maybe twenty minutes away, Leo hissed from my claws that I held him in. Leo didn't normally say much, but his little kid nature was something to behold when he did. Until serious predicaments were at hand. Kind o f like how it was now.

Kai didn't say anything. My best guess was that she was in too much pain but didn't want to show it. She was too prideful for that. Damn, if she's in this much pain, then the stitches may have ripped on the way here. That was not a comforting thought.

All of a sudden, we heard something breach our link within each other. It was loud and clear and stunned us all to a halt. I barely had enough time to land when I felt pins and needles from all around me

"Air, come to me!" And just like that, I was a real bird of flesh and feathers with yellow smoke streaming out my mouth and nostrils. I crowed in alarm.

"Fire, come to me!" I heard a yowl, looked over and Ryan was laying on his side, body convulsing while his red aura seemed to solidify and he seemed to have had grown real fur, red smoked also steaming out from his nose and mouth as he panted on the ground.

"Water! Come to me!" Leo let out a hiss and began to roll around like a gator doing a death roll, translucent scales becoming clearer and turning a blue hue with white. His aura also billowed out from his mouth as he screeched in a, what seemed to be, quiet hisses.

"Earth, Come to me!" Chris let out a bellow of a roar and he fell to his side, green smoky body turning a dark brown shade.

"Spirit, Come to me!" I was hoping for the worst and heard it. I couldn't bear to look. Kai let out the most chilling snarl I have ever heard, it set my neck feathers on edge. After a snarl, a yelp, and then a failed attempt to cover it up with another angry snarl. Dirt splayed my left wing and I shook it off and preened my, now real, feathers quickly.

When the noise died down, I looked over at Kai and my breath was nearly taken away. A grey wolf that was bigger than a Great Dane at the shoulders began to rise from the ground. Purple hues of smoke billowed out from her nostrils like it was cold outside. She was so beautiful.

She looked at me and then stood stock still. I hopped over to her and was astonished that I almost came to her shoulders with my head. I looked at the rest of the group to find that we have all grown in size. Chris was the size of a mountain, Leo resembled a real stream as he slithered over to me, and not only was Ryan as big as Kai, his fur looked like he literally was on fire.

What the hell happened to us? The question hung in the air after Leo said it, because none of us knew the answer to that.

I looked over at Kai again. How's your leg?

A snort. Still hurts, but not as much after we all changed like this.

I nodded my beak once before looking at the sky again.

Chris chuffed beside Ryan. No matter what, though, we gotta get to Kitty's and see what she can help us with the stupid shit that happened back at the House of Night.

That was something that we all had to agree on. Maybe she could even help us with what the hell happened to our spiritual forms, too.


We were all physical beings. That was a fact. My leg was still pissing me off. That was also a fact.

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