Chapter 14

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"What?! You just left the people at the House of Night?! You blighted fools!" A lady vampyre was pacing in front of four creatures, coloured vapour billowing out their nostrils. The woman was tall, Native American olive skin, and the darkest blue eyes to where they were almost black. She was wearing a black tank top and a knee-high flowing skirt that trailed after her in the air like a flitting bird. As she paced, she kept mumbling on about, "bumbling, good for nothing, Goddess forsaken fools."

The creatures-a wolf, a raven, a mountain lion, and a serpent, sat in front of the woman with bowed heads in shame. A huge bear had managed to fit his head in the window of the room in which everyone was crowded in, a look in his eyes that held just as much shame as the animals' bowed heads.

Kitty, if you would please hear us out? A voice threw itself into the room, the wolf's ears folded back in concentration.

Kitty let out a wretched sigh, stifling the urge to snap at Kai. She paced over to an armchair and collapsed in it, waving her hand for Kai to continue.

One of the guests that came to the House of Night, James Stark, attempted to shoot me in spirit form. His gift from the Goddess is that he should never miss what he aims for. So, if he did hit his mark, then I  would be dead and even more chaos would wreak itself.

Kitty sighed yet again. "Was there any sign of Anna when you were being attacked?"

The raven croaked. We were too much in a panic to notice if she was there.

"Then why the hell did you all come?! You're all a bunch of xet̕!"

The Ucwalmicwts word for Skunk cabbage didn't really faze them.

"I can't help you if you xet' don't know if Anna was there or not. For all I know, that Stark guy just didn't like you. Go back to the House of Night and keep a hawk eye for anything suspicious. Vic, I want you to be the one that reports back. You're the one that nobody really notices when you're gone. Kai, don't you dare growl at me, I know what I'm doing. The rest of you, report to Kai if you so much as hear someone looking guilty. Are we clear, xet'?"

The creatures nodded their heads.

The creatures left the room but were stopped at the door with Kitty's voice. "Get your bodies back and come visit me more often. I'm not used to silence in this house anymore."

The door closed which was the only light source that the group had. So, now what? Ryan's voice echoed telepathically.

Orders are orders. We get our bodies back and we head back to the House of Night. Artemis will be worried sick and even a little furious but then we just need to blend in, Vic replied.

Kai nodded. Then, whatever we find suspicious that so much as feels like it relates to our little conundrum, you report to me and I'll let Vic know so that he can report back to Kitty. Sound like a deal?



So... Short chapter but school is cramming up their exams these past few days and it's the only place that I can update. Apologies to updating so late and with a crappy chappy. Keep reading to know what happens when the circle get their bodies back!

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