Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to based god

Hii guys !! Well, this is my FIRST ever fanfic story here!! I don't know if it will be that good, so i'd apppreciate it if you comment below what you think !! It would mean so much if you vote and comment if you'd like! Thank you so much for reading, if you even don't like it, thats okay!!

ALSO this fanfic does contain swears and possibly other stuff ;) so if you're immature and do not like that stuff you don't have to read it and don't comment and complain that theres mature stuff because I just warned you !!! just putting that out there!! Ok bye! Enjoy.


"Flight 183 now boarding"

"Finally", I mutter. I shuffle from my seat which now my butt is sore from sitting on it for 3 hours waiting for my plane. I just want this flight to get over with, actually this whole summer. I have been dreading it ever since my foster parents mentioned to me that i have an "aunt" living in england. I know, It's crazy right?

*Flashback 4 Days Ago*

"Hey mom and dad, whats up?" I sit down on the couch in the living room. I'm really confused, I was at Sarahs house and they randomly called me to hurry up and come home. Whats the rush?

"So um are you going to tell me?" The awkward tension builds up and my foster parents exchange looks and it looks like their mentally talking to each other, weirdos.

Finally the silence breaks and my mother speaks up, "Well, Bridget, we have some great news!"

"What is it?" I start to say.

"I don't know how you're going to handle this but, you have an aunt, I mean you actually have someone in you're family who contacted me and your father." She says with a hint of excitement and happiness.

"WHAT?" I stand up and literally scream and the look on my mother suprises me.

Having no parents and no family all I life and all of a sudden I find out now?

"Honey I know this is too much information for you to take in but she has offered for you to live with her in england just for the summer. It would mean so much if you would go." my father says calmly .

"No, no, no I don't want to leave Sarah or Josh behind!!" Actually thinking about it , its a horrible idea for me to go. I do not wan't to leave my boyfriend or my best friend behind! I cannot live without them.

"Well, i understand it's tough for you but you have no choice sweetheart your flight to england is in 4 days, I'm sorry you are upset but this is your only family we're talking about here. This is your only chance to meet someone who is from your family. I am sure that you will have an amazing time!" my mother concludes.

"Plus she has a cute neighbor " my mom adds and she winks. Does she not know I have a boyfriend? I can't stand them sometimes. "Mother ! Why would you say that I have a boyfriend!!!" She looks at me and starts laughing.

"Well it's settled go and start packing if you wish sweetheart!", my father ends the discussion when theres still so much more to talk about. I don't get him, after all he is my foster parent...

"Ugh!!!" I stomp out of the room, bursting in tears.

*Flashback ends, Present*

I'm still shaken and pissed about the whole idea of even moving there where apparently I have "family", even if it's just for 3 months.

I walk over to the line where my plane is boarding, I hand the man my ticket and walk onto the plane. I scan over the seats frantically looking for my reserved seat. I sigh when I realize whos sitting with me. Some freaky-looking old man snoring, why couldn't Sarah or even Josh come with me?

If you don't know, Sarah's my best friend back in high school, we were literally the bestest friends you could ever ask for. She was always there for me and cried when I told her the news of me moving. Not to mention my boyfriend, Josh, right when I told him he got all cute and confused but understood right in a matter of seconds. That's how I fell in love with him, he always understands and agrees with me. He told me that we were going to make it work long distance. I nodded and smiled. I cried non-stop before I came to this dreadful airport. God, I'm going to miss them so much.

As I put my bag over my seat, I suddenly start to think what they were doing this second and how they will live without me.

In the middle of my deepthought someone out of nowhere knocked me to the floor with their bag.

What the hell?

I try to get up when I see a hand pull me up. "Who the hell do you think you are pushing me?", I almost scream, suprised by my weird reaction.

I look around to see anyone looking at me when a british accent fills through my ears, a rather angry voice I must say. "Well, i'm not the one just standing in the middle of the isle when they are people desperately wanting to get by!" I guess he has a point. Wait, why does he has an accent, we're in LA? I finally look up at who was yelling at me. Holy fuck, he's attractive. He has a weird style to him, that i've never seen before. He literally towered over me with his fedora and couple of strands of straight and curly hair poking out. Not to mention his eyes...woah stop Bridget!! You have a boyfriend !! I look away quickly and I can tell he's waiting for my response, all I can manage to get out of my mouth is a mumbled "sorry".

"Ugh, whatever", he says and walks past me, obviously annoyed by my reaction. Why am I always so stupid and awkward?

I finally sit down and still a bit shaken by what just happened. Why did he have to be such a jerk and yell at me like that? He was the one that pushed me with his fucking bag!

I decide to take out my earbuds and my iphone and text Josh and Sarah "I miss you" and what the hell just happened. The Fray comes on shuffle, hopefully if I sleep I'll wake up back home in Josh's arms. I smile with the thought of him and slowly drift off to sleep

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