Ryan Brendon and Victorious

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Brendon was shuffling through some old papers, throwing out stuff he didn't need. 2005 was 10 years ago, he really didn't need rough copies of old lyrics lying around. He kept the lyrics to Camisado and Nails For Breakfast, there was something about it being written in Ryan's handwriting when that song had meant so much to him. He came across something he hadn't seen before. It was titled Victorious and the writing was definitely Ryan's. Brendon was surprised Ryan had never mentioned it to him. The date said 09-28-05, almost 10 years since it had been written. It reminded Brendon of Nearly Witches [Ever Since We Met], so he decided to do it in the same style, except bigger, bolder and more fabulous. He wondered if Spencer knew about this song because Spencer and Ryan had been extremely close.

"Hey Spence!"

"Hey Bden! How's the new music going?"

"Alright, bro. I was just wondering if you knew about this song that I just found that Ryan wrote while we were writing A Fever. It's called Victorious and there's so much I can do with it, I have ideas already." Brendon said excitedly.

"Well, of course you do. It's Ryan's lyrics. You always know what to do when it's Ryan. No, I didn't hear anything about this. Hey, Jon? Did Ryan ever tell you about a song he wrote in 2005 that we didn't put on the record?"

"Nah, man." Jon's voice sounded far away through the phone.

"You're with Jon?!"

"Yeah, we're just catching up, dude. It's been a long time since I last saw this guy. We were best friends. Much like you and Ryan except Jon and I are willing to talk about each other."

"Pass me over to him! Hey, Jon, dude!"

"Oh, hey, Bren. How are things?"

"Okay, I guess. A lot happens in 6 years of not seeing each other."

"Yeah, I guess. Spence and I had some free time since he's not touring or anything. You wanna join us sometime?"

"Fuck yeah, bro. We can make music like the good ol' days." Brendon laughed.

"Sure, dude. I gotta go. Catch you later."

Brendon smiled. He didn't know why he stopped talking to Jon. He was always a good dude. Except for leaving and all that shit. Now, he was determined he was going t do this song for Ryan. Just as a sign that he didn't completely hate him. He didn't need to tell the fans it was Ryan's lyrics. This was just for his Ryro, he would know and that was all that mattered.

"Fuck." Brendon uttered. He had a feeling he was going to fall in love all over again. Even just looking at Ryan's handwriting caused a wave of nostalgia to crash over him. He did miss that tall, lanky nerd with his stupid "ryhawk" and the silver eyeliner and then the hippie headband with the scarves that made him look like a cute hipster boy. "Fuck." Brendon said again. It was too late.

Brendon worked day and night to write the music for Victorious. He didn't even tell Dallon what he was doing. He played every single instrument in the piece, no need for help from others.

He was in the studio one day, starting to record the first parts of the song, when Joshua Dun's "friend" Halsey walked in. Brendon knew she was a massive fan. Then he saw the key in her hand and Ryan Ross stood behind her.

"What the fu-" Halsey pushed Ryan into the room and locked the door.

"You're not coming out until you have fixed your problems with each other!" Halsey said from the other side of the door, running away and deciding not to come back for a very long time.

Brendon swallowed slowly. It had been a very long time since he was this close to Ryan Ross. He was frozen in place.

"What are you working on, Bren?" Ryan walked past him.

"Don't call me that." He said, thickly. He didn't stop Ryan as he looked at the lyrics and the music scores laid out on the desk. He nearly missed the sharp gasp from Ryan, due to the drumming in his ears. He was nervous. He doesn't get nervous, he's Brendon Urie. This man was doing something to Brendon and he wasn't sure if he disliked it.

"You found it." Ryan said, quietly.

"Er, yeah. You didn't tell anyone."

"No, I didn't."


"I don't know. It seemed sort of personal." Brendon nearly laughed. Camisado was personal. "Like, it was a celebration song. That we'd made it. But we hadn't made it by that point, but I always dreamed we would be. I guess we are, but only because you kept going."

"This is my life now. I wouldn't give it up for the world. I thought that was always how you felt. But I guess not."

"I couldn't stay, Brendon."

"I know. 'Artistic differences'."

"No, I couldn't stay because I liked you, Brendon, but you were with someone else and I could see you didn't need me, so when Jon suggested that we make Young Veins I agreed."

"But you fucking left me. You promised." Brendon was starting to get pissed off. "Where the fuck is Halsey? HALSEY LET US OUT WE'RE DONE HERE."

"No we're not. How come you ignored me for 5 years. That hurts Brendon."

"Because you left. And you promised you would stay."

"Then why are you working so hard on my song?"

"Because I wanted to prove to you that I didn't hate you! Irritatingly, while I was doing it, I started to miss you again. We were great." Brendon said through gritted teeth.

"We were, weren't we?" Ryan had gone quiet again.

"We could do it again. I spoke to Jon and Spencer. I think they would be up for it. We'd need to sort ourselves out first but it could work again. The fans would be delighted."

"You've spoken to Jon? Woah, I haven't seen him for so long."

"He was with Spencer a few weeks ago, they met up because Spencer wasn't touring."

"How is Spence doing?" Ryan asked fondly. Those two had been friends since Spencer was 4.

"He's ok. Sober, engaged. He's doing good. He's happy." Brendon's eyes started to fill with tears. He was proud of his friend.

"Good for him." Ryan said, softly. He cleared his throat. "Anyway, what are you going to do to my song."

"Nearly Witches, but on steroids." Brendon smiled and Ryan's eyes sparkled at the sight. The dream team were back together.

"Sounds fun. If Halsey isn't going to let us out, you might as well do some work. Get in there!" Ryan was happy to sort of get his friend back. They were talking. They had sort of discussed the main issue, but there was no where they could go with it. Ryan had left, now he was back. The only thing to talk about was their feelings towards each other.

"My touch, is black and poisonous. But nothing like my punch drunk kiss I know you need it. Doyoufeelitdrinkthewaterdrinkthewine." Brendon sang. Ryan found it extremely hot how he could sing that fast, and unfortunately, his dick did too.

Brendon walked out of the booth, a swagger in his step, instantly pushed against the wall, with Ryan's lips on his. He melted into it. They broke apart and Brendon suddenly realised what had happened.

"RYAN!" Brendon yelled, pushing him away. "You can't just do that!"

"Well, did you hate it?" A cheeky grin was on Ryan's face. Brendon wanted to wipe it off. With his mouth.

"No, but that's not th- oh!" Ryan had moved. His mouth was now attached to Brendon's neck. "Ryyaaaannnn!" It came out more like a whine. Brendon wanted Ryan stop, if only to tell him not now, except his brain couldn't say no. It seemed he could only say Ryan's name.

"Too hot in here. Need to take some clothes off." Ryan said in between kisses.

"Please, Ry." Ryan grinned, as the nickname slipped out of Brendon's mouth. He wanted to hear more of that.

Let's just say, when Halsey came back, she wished she hadn't.

well this was inspired by an unnamed friend (me, ollie, lmao xo) and went to shit but i published it anyway lol 420/10 XD XD XD yey

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