Fiesty Patrick

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"Pete! Turn it down! I don't care if it's Iron Maiden, you've been playing the same song for 3 hours!" Patrick yelled.

Pete grinned. Patrick was hot when he was angry. He loved it when he got pissed off with him, he found it very attractive. He vowed to see how much he could annoy Patrick before he jumped his bones.


"Pete, I swear to god, stop drinking all of the orange juice and not telling me. I need to know when to buy some more! You know it bothers me!"

Pete just smiled sweetly at his boyfriend.

"You are basically a married couple, I swear." Joe said, laughing.

"I am 100% done with you, Pete." Patrick said, scowling.


Patrick had Pete pinned up against a wall.

"Where the fuck did you hide my hats?" Patrick growled. Pete just shook his head. Patrick pushed his arm further into Pete's neck. "Answer me!"

Pete moaned. Patrick was fiesty and Pete could see the full anger in his eyes due to his missing hat.

"Where are they?" Pete moaned louder and Patrick dropped his arm, eyes softening. "Oh I see how it is. You have to control yourself for a week. No touching, no kissing and definitely no fucking."

Pete groaned. Well that backfired. All he wanted was Patrick and now he had less of him than before.


Patrick and Pete sat on the sofa watching the Nightmare Before Christmas, Pete's favourite movie. Pete listened as Patrick sung the songs under his breath and moved in closer to snuggle with him.

"Nope." Patrick said, as he shuffled to the other end. "You brought this on yourself." Pete sighed. He didn't know how long he could keep this up. It had only been a day and he was dying to touch Patrick, he never realised how much he needed him.


Pete watched as Patrick moved around in the kitchen, looking in the bottom cupboards for something, his cute little ass sticking up in the air as he sighed with frustration. Pete knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't help himself. He walked over to Patrick, pulled him up and kissed him, open mouthed. Patrick pushed him away, shaking his head, but his body gave him away. His dilated pupils and heavy breathing said that he was finding this just as hard as Pete.


Pete decided if he couldn't touch Patrick, he would make Patrick want to touch him. He decided the best way was to make Patrick jealous. Jealous Patrick was super hot. They were headed out to a party tonight with Gabe, William and Brendon. Pete went all out to look extra pretty, but he knew he would never live up to Patrick.

They arrived at the club and greeted their friends with hugs, but Pete made sure to make his hug with Brendon last slightly longer than the other two, not too long to be awkward but just a bit too long to be 100% platonic. Patrick's eyes darkened slightly.

As the night wore on, Gabe, William and Brendon got more and more drunk. Pete tried to stay sober, so as not to forget what he was there to do and Patrick was the designated driver. Brendon dragged Pete out on to the dancefloor and sloppily grinded against him. Pete watched as Patrick scowled and walked away.

Brendon bought drinks for Pete that he didn't drink, winked and blew kisses at him when he knew Patrick was looking. Eventually, Patrick couldn't take it anymore.

He dragged Pete outside and threw him up against the wall.

"You're mine, remember?" Patrick growled, as he trailed kisses up Pete's neck.

"I knew you'd give in." Pete whispered, tilting his head, giving Patrick full access.

"You play dirty, Wentz. I'm in control, not you." Pete whined against Patrick's mouth as he smashed their lips together. "I thought I had more willpower, but you drive me crazy, you fucker. I was so close to punching Brendon."

Pete slid his cold hands up Patrick's shirt, feeling the smooth pale skin. Patrick shivered with the touch and pinned Pete's hands above his head.

"We're going to bed." Patrick whispered seductively in Pete's ear.

"Only if you promise never to do that to me again." Pete whispered back.


oh dear this went shit again oops 420/666

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