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{a/n not edited}

×Ariana's pov×

"Ariana?" I hear Justin call me. Oh no!

Fuck Fuck Fuck. What do I do?!

I quickly dispose of the body and clean the remaining blood that's dripping from my lips.

"Yeah? Justin is that you?" I say and I hear a 'yeah' escape Justin's lips. "What are you doing here?" He asks and I stare at him. "Oh I thought I had seen a dog run towards this alley but it was just a cat" I say running out of breath. Damn I'm not all that great at lying.

"Oh ok" he says. Well good thing he believed me. "Ari is that blood on your shirt?" Justin asks while pointing at my outfit. Fuck. "Oh um I don't know" I stutter out. "Are you hurt?"

"Oh no Justin I'm fine" I say and give him an assuring smile.

"Let's get out of here alleys scare the shit outta me" Justin says and I nod.

We make our way back to the car and as always Justin opens the door for me I hop in and he runs to the drivers side.

The drive was silent, I'm pretty sure Justin didn't believe the lame excuse I gave him I mean I wouldn't have believed it myself either to be honest.

As soon as Justin parks on the driveway he turns off the ignition and gets out the car. I see him walk into the garage where his car is. He gets into his car and I stay there frozen. Why is he mad though ?

Once I recover from this trance I was in I quickly get out the car and walk over to his. "Justin wait where are you going?" I ask while I walk over to his car. But it was useless he steps on the gas and races out my driveway.

"What just happen?" I whispered to myself.


+Justin's pov+

I pull up into my driveway and I turn off the ignition while opening the door, I step out and close the door behind me, I make sure to lock my car before I make my way to my front door.

I put they key into the keyhole and turn the knob to open the door. Throwing my keys into the tray by the door I walk over to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water.

You're probably wondering why I stormed off earlier. Well you know how Ariana and I were racing? Once I took off I looked back to see if she was behind me and guess what I saw? I see Ariana walking off with some guy to an alley.

I don't know why it hurt me so much, it's not like she's my girlfriend or anything. We're just friends...

I walk up to my room and my phone starts to ring, I take it out from y pocket an look at it once I read the name a smile forms on my face.

"Hey" I say

"Hi, are you ok?" she asks and my smile instantly becomes wider.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm sorry for leaving you like that" I respond and scratch the back of my head.

"No it's fine Jay, get some rest and we'll talk tomorrow at school ok?" she asks and I nod, although I know she can't see me.

"Yeah that's cool, see you tomorrow Ari, goodnight"

"Goodnight Jay" she says and hangs up. By now I've made it to my room so I took off my shoes and place my phone on my nightstand.

I take a quick shower and but on a pair of my Calvin's. I throw myself onto my bed and I make sure to set my alarm or else I won't wake up. once I'm done I wrap myself in my sheets and fall into a deep sleep.

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