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*my seaniana heart*

"how do you do that?"

a r i a n a

as soon as i left justin's house i took my phone from my purse and dialed the only person that can tolerate me and make me feel better when i'm in this mood.


"i'm coming over" i say and hang up throwing my phone back into my purse and getting into my car.

i set my bag down on the passenger seat and start my car, i pull out the drive way and speed off into the streets.

twenty minutes later i'm parked in the driveway and gathering my purse, stepping out the car i close the door with a loud thud, i lock my baby and strut to the front door.

i knock, ignoring the doorbell because let's face it, those shíts are annoying.

a few seconds later the door opens and i come face to face with my favorite person in the entire world.



i jump into his arms and he holds me so I won't fall on my ass. "come on in love" he says as he sets me down and i walk in shutting the door behind me.

"i heard what happened" he says and i frown. "i don't want to talk about it" i say and he nods, we walk into his kitchen and he motions me to sit, so i do.

he opens a cabinet and pulls out a bottle of vodka. "goodness you know me so well" i say as he pours some into two small cups , he hands me one and i start taking a sip. i let the liquid slide down my throat. i let out a soft sigh and my body instantly relaxes.

"this is what i needed" i whisper and smile at sean who's staring at me with a huge smile on his face.

"do i have something on my face?" i ask teasing him and he chuckles.

"why are you staring at meee? stooooop" i say and bring my hands up to cover my face, i feels his hands on mine, he removes them and smiles down at me.

"ari i know you came here to talk, so what is it? everything ok?" he asks and i sigh.

"how do you do that?" i ask looking at him, waiting for him to speak up. he would always know when something was bothering me, i could never figure out how he was so well with reading people's feelings, and i did indeed have something to tell him and i don't know how he's going to react. jeez ariana just tell him he won't get mad.

"love we've known each other for a very long time, i think i know you more than i know myself, as cheesy as that sounds, you know it's true" he says and i smile looking down at my cup as he walks back to where he was previously standing, i chug the rest and look back over to him. i got this.

"you're going to hate me" he looks at me and tilts his head "why would i hate you?" he asks and i take a deep breath.

"gigi and i are not really a couple, gigi made justin think we were, so we decided to just run with it and since we had to make it seem legit, we decided to tell everyone and well yeah, i'm sorry" i blurt out looking up at him to see his reaction. he bites the inside of his cheek and let's out a chuckle. well ok then.

"i should've known" he says trying to keep his composure. "was that payback for scaring you that one time?" he asks and i shake my head. thank goodness he took it well, justin is going to flip when he finds out.

"no, no. i have something else planned for you" i say and wink.

"how have you been able to pull this off for so long?" i laugh "we're great actresses aren't we?" he nods. "does anybody else know?" i shake my head no "but i plan on telling them soon, so don't say anything" i say and he nods.

"let's go out and do something" i whine and get up pulling him with me towards the door. "go where?" he asks "hmm how about we go to the movies?" he laughs and i stop walking, i look over to him "what's so funny?" he stops laughing "that's so lame how about we go for a walk around downtown" wow why didn't i think of that? "ok let's go" i say and throw sean my keys, he lives like thirty minutes away from downtown so, yeah i ain't walking.

throughout the whole ride we laugh and sing, then sing some more because why the fúck not?

thirty minutes and many many Britney throwbacks later we arrive and sean finds a nice parking spot "do you have any coins?" i reach into my purse and find four quarters "here" he takes them and places them into the parking meter thing. who the hell thought these were a great idea?

i grab onto his arm as we walk down the sidewalk "it's so nice out" i say and a small mmhhm leaves his lips.

we walk around for about an hour just admiring the lights and visiting some stores that were here. i didn't buy much just a plain shirt and sean bought a nice necklace but it didn't look like his type that he'd wear. maybe he's gifting it to a lucky lady?

once we got tired of walking we decided to head back to my place and i offered sean to spend the night and he agreed.

"oh come on that was one time!" i laugh and cover my face with my hands. we were talking about the time i tried to do the splits for the first time and accidentally ripped my pants.

"still funny though" i roll my eyes and take my glass of wine off the table. i took a sip and say it back down.

"those were the good times" he says and sighs.

"can't believe we went this long without talking ari" i look down at my lap trying to look anywhere else but his eyes. i really don't want to talk about this but i can't avoid it forever.

"we'll have to talk about it at some point love" he says and i bring my head up meeting his eyes. i could already feel the tears welling up.

"you know it's not easy for me to talk about" i sigh.

"i know it's not, but you weren't the only one that was hurting" i nod.

i feel a single tear roll down my cheek, i wipe it away quickly, i hate crying and even more if it's around other people.

"i never once blamed you for what happened ari, i still to this day don't know why you left when we both know i would have been there for you, i was in pain as well, we could have gone through it together like we always did"

i let out a shaky breath and ran my hand through my hair "this whole time i thought you were mad at me, i blamed myself for what happened, the words played in my head for a long time, that soon i was convinced you felt the same way, that's why i left, i couldn't bare look at you anymore, i felt so much guilt, if only i hadn't left that day, if only i had listened to you, our baby would have been born" my voice coming out as a whisper towards the end.

i feel sean's arms wrap around me engulfing me into a tight hug.

as soon as i wrapped my arms around him i let my tears fall.






((Sorry for any mistakes))

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