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"are you being serious right now?"

a r i a n a

>¡two months later¡<

"he's what?" gigi shouts as she stands up from my bed and starts to pace back and forth. i stare at her for a while before i decide to speak up.

"he just texted me saying that him and selena are dating" i say and punch the pillow that lays next to me. what is he even thinking? how did this even happen? last thing me and him talked about was how he was going to take a break from uni to devote his time to his job, and that was two months ago. yeah you hear me, two months!

"what the hell have we missed these past two months?" gigi questions and i shrug not really knowing what the fúck has happened, i've been too busy spending time with gigi and sean that i've totally lost track of time and this job i'm suppose to be completing.

boss is going to be so mad.

"g, boss is going to kill me for not focusing on this job, fúck" i say as i run my hand through my hair. my leg starts to move up and down. my phone starts to go off and i look over to gigi "please tell me that's not him" i say as she glances down at my phone, she gasps "fúck!" i shout and she throws me my phone.

catching it i take a deep breath before answering.


"my office, now!" he demands and hangs up without letting me say anything.

"come with me pleaseee" i whine as i pull on gigi's arm in efforts that she'll say yes.

"ok ok but you owe me babe" she says and gives me a wink. i slap her on the back of her head "you're not funny g" i say and we both laugh.

we gather our things and head off to the office.

a few moments later we arrive, once i get out my car i look up and notice the sky is dark, you could see some lightning illuminate the sky for a few seconds. a single drop hits my forehead and runs down my face.

"come on g it's about to rain" i say as i take her hand and we step into the building. we walk straight into the elevator and click the button to the office floor.

once the elevator doors open we step out and make our way to his office, we stand in front of it and i take a deep breath. gigi rubs my back and i turn giving her a smile.

i reach out for the door handle but it opens before i'm able to.

"ariana" he says and i nod walking in with gigi trailing behind.

"so what has happened with the job i assigned you?" he asks and i shift my weight on my left foot and i try to look at something to avoid his glare. "it's um" "ariana i know what's happened, how could you let him get with that thing?!" he shouts causing me to jump.

"i'm sorry, i've just been distracted"

"for the past two months?!" he shouts and i try to keep calm and not burst out crying like a baby. "i gave you this job for a reason ariana, you're one of the best, well were" he says and i clench my hands into fists.

how dare he...

"i am the best!" i say.

"well by the way you've been for these past two months, it sure doesn't seem like it" i roll my eyes and stare right at him.

"what's your big deal with justin anyways?!" i ask and he looks down. "i think it's time you tell me, what i've been wanting to know for a while" i tell him and he looks up at me.



j u s t i n

"hey ju" selena says as she walks into my home, i give her a hug and we walk over to the living room.

"miss me?" she asks and i smile. "of course i did" i say, she stands up and walks over to me then sits on my lap. "i've really enjoyed these two months we've been together" she whispers in my ear, sending this weird feeling throughout my body.

"me too" i reply without thinking, it's almost like she's taking over me. making me feels all these things. not sure if that's a good, or bad thing.

she kisses my cheek then makes her way down to my jawline then to my neck, i suddenly feel her lock my neck. "what are you doing?" i ask but she ignores me. "sel-" i get interrupted by a knock at the door.

thank you god. shít was getting weird back there. i pull the door open and reveal a smiling ariana, my goodness she's looking beautiful. "hello justin?" i shake my head and look at her looking at me with a smirk on her face. "like what you see?" my cheeks heat up and i chuckle. "ju? babe" i hear selena shout and ariana's smirk disappears and is replaced with blank expression.

"oh it's you" selena says once she sees ariana.

"did i interrupt something?" ariana says as she walks in. "well actually y-" selena starts but is interrupted by ariana.

"goody, i didn't......so i came by to check up on you justin" she says as she turns around looking at me with a huge smile on her face.

i scratch the back of my neck, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "it's been two months since i last seen you-" she says and frowns "-and well you texted me saying you were now in a relationship and well i wanted to come and ask you about that" she finishes and i stare at her confused.

"well i would of told you in person but you've been so busy with your girlfriend and that guy sean, texting you was the only way i could communicate" i say and she looks at me in disbelief.

"are you being serious right now?" she ask and i nod. i had completely forgotten that selena was here until she decided to speak up

"babe you don't have to tell her anything, she's not your mom" she says rolling her eyes.

"you know, you're right selena" ariana says, i look over at her.

"i just hope you realize, she's no good for you, before it's too late" she says and i look at her confused. what is she talking about?

"not before he finds out who you really are" selena shouts. in a matter of seconds i see ariana turn around and charge towards selena knocking her straight to the floor.

"if you know what's good for you, you'll keep your mouth shut" she says leaving selena on the floor with an angry look on her face.

ariana walks away and gives me one last glance before closing the door leaving me sad and confused.


well that just happened ;))

i want to thank you guys for all the reads, votes and comments, you guys are the best!

((sorry for any mistakes))

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