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"are you ready?"

j u s t i n

"i'm cold..." my body shivers lightly as the cold breeze makes contact with my skin. "where am i?" i whisper to myself. i look around and notice i'm in an alley. 'what am i doing here?' i hear a loud scream and my eyes widen. 'what's happening?' all these questions run through my mind and i find myself walking towards the loud screams.

the closer i get the louder the screams get.

i come to a complete stop when i notice a trail of blood, my eyebrows furrow and i find myself staring at the ground for a while until i hear the loud scream again, this time i run and my body freezes when my eyes land on a man with his head on the crook of a young womans neck.

"help please!" she screams and i try to move but it's like my feet are glued to the ground. "justin please help me" she says again and my jaw drops when i recognize her voice. "ariana?" i whisper and slowly bring my gaze up and i meet her brown orbs. "ariana!" i scream and the man lifts his head up, blood is dripping from his mouth and i immediately recognize him. alfredo.

i let out a scream and my eyes shot open. my breathing is heavy and there are droplets of sweat on my forehead and body. it was all a dream. what the heck? what does it mean?

i get off the bed and walk towards my bathroom. i turn on the light and look at my reflection. taking a deep breath i turn the sink faucet and splash a bit of water on my face. that dream felt so real. shaking my head i turn off the faucet and the bathroom light then i walk to my bed, laying down my mind drifts off to the dream i had. i turn my gaze over to the digital clock sitting on my nightstand, it reads 3:55a.m.
i pull the cover over my body and turn my back away from the clock. i close my eyes and before i know it i drift off into a deep sleep.


"hey" i say as i come up to the front desk. "hello mr. bieber" she says and i chuckle "please call me justin, mr. bieber makes me feel old" i say and she giggles nodding. "alright, justin have a great day" she says and i wave heading to the elevators.

once i reach my floor i speed walk out the elevator. all i really do is sort out paperwork but that's only because my boss said i have to work my way up. although i can't really complain, the pay is really good.

as i was approaching the filing room i heard whispers so me being curious and all, i decided to stop and listen in.

"he can't find out, not yet at least" i hear my boss say. 'who can't find out?'

"and why not?" a familiar female voice asks. "it's too soon" i start to back up and accidentally hit a box that was set outside the room. i hear footsteps coming towards the door and i quickly hide inside a random office. i lean my body against the door with my eyes closed. what was my mom doing here? how did she find out i was working here? she's never been around, i thought she was in europe.

"justin?" i open my eyes and see, gigi, i think that's her name. "yeah? gigi right?" i ask and she nods with a big smile on her face. "why did you come in here? do you need something?" she asks and i nod "no, i- well yeah, i was wondering if you had seen ariana" i say and she smirks "she's at her house, why didn't you just text her?" she asks and i stay silent for a few seconds, now what do i say? ughhhhhh.

"i don't have my phone with me" i say and she raises her eyebrow, she totally doesn't believe me. "come on sit, i don't bite, unless you want me to" she says and then laughs. uhhh ok? i give her a confused look as i take a seat. "soooo what, are you and ariana a thing?" she stares at me with a blank look. "why?" i ask and she shrugs "because she's mine and i'd like to know if she's fooling around with you behind my back" she says and my eyes grow wide. what? before i can say anything we hear a knock at the door and gigi shouts 'come in'

our boss walks in and i quickly stand up "there you are" he says "i was wondering where you were, there's a lot of work for you today" he says and i quickly exit gigi's office.

i start to work on the files my boss gave me. today's going to be a long day.

i'm debating wether i should even keep going to school. i think i'll just take a break and save up some money. yeah i may have rich parents but that's their money, i have to start making some of my own.

i'll take care of that tomorrow.


g i g i

i pick up my phone from my desk and dial ariana's number.

i pull it up to my ear and wait for her to answer.

"hello?" i cover my mouth and try to stop myself from laughing.

"please don't kíll me" i say quickly and the line goes silent.

"why would i?" she asks.

"i may or may not have told Justin me and you were dating" i say as i close my eyes and wait for her to scream.

"you did what?" she says and starts to crack up.

"i was doing it as a joke but before i could tell him, boss came in and took him away" i say and she keeps laughing.

"what do you say we keep this up and see what everyone's reaction is?" she asks and i smirk.

"i'm in."


i walk into my home and take off my shoes, i make my way up the stairs and into my bedroom.

what should i wear tonight?

i take a few steps towards my closet and open it up, i glance over all my clothes and my eyes land on a white dress. i smile and reach for it releasing it from it's hanger. i place it on my bed and then walk back into my closet searching for some heels.

after showering and blow drying my hair i slip myself into my dress and i slip my heels on.

i walk over to my vanity and start to do my make up. nothing too extravagant, just a natural look.

ariana decided to treat us all to dinner, where we will 'announce our relationship' i still laugh every time i remember justin's reaction. it was hilarious! i honestly don't know how long we will be able to pull this off. considering both sean and justin have a thing for her.

what? you didn't think i knew? you could just tell by the way they both look at her, like she was a piece of meat. ha ha in all honesty i'm team justin, not that sean isn't great, cause he is. it's just i can tell ariana likes justin, a lot.

anyways...... i stand up and grab my phone that's plugged into the charger. i take my clutch bag and drop it in there along with some cash and my ID, credit card, you know the usual.

i walk downstairs and take my keys off my table sitting by the door. i set my house alarm before closing the door.

i get into my car and head straight to ariana's house. we agreed that i would pick her up. i plug in my phone and click shuffle on my music . mariah carey's touch my body starts to play and i sing along.

once i arrive to ariana's i honk and wait for her to come out.

moments later she comes out and gets into the car "you ready?" i ask and she nods. "alright let's go".


what's up with the freaky dream justin had? justin's mom & justin's boss? hmmmm what's going on there???

gigi and her wild jokes, she plays too much lmao

😂😂 so ariana and gigi will be a 'thing'. i ship it. how do you think everyone will react?

i'm so sorry it took me years to write this *sigh* i hope you enjoyed it though!

love youuuu, i really dooooo

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