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"he's my son too!"

p a t t i e

i pace back and forth as i wait for my guest to arrive. my palms were sweating and my heart was racing. i don't know why i was feeling this way, it wasn't the first time we've talked.

i made sure that justin wasn't coming over today so we could have this conversation in private.

there's a knock at the door and my heart stops, slowly i make my way toward the door and i open it revealing him.

"come in" i step aside and let him through. he comes in and i close the door shut then lead us to the kitchen.

"want anything to drink?" he shakes his head and we sit on the stools.

"it's time" he looks at me confused, i sigh "i can't keep this from justin any longer"

"pattie he's not ready yet!" i jump back at his outburst. my blood begins to boil and i stand up pushing the stool aside.

"not ready?! jeremy he's my son! i can't keep lying to him just because you're not ready!" his eyes darken and i take a small step back.

"he's my son too!" my breathing quickens, "and don't you think that for that reason he deserves to know that his father is back? you already have him working for you! don't you think that sooner or later he'll find out?!"

he stays silent, he knows i'm right but his pride won't let him admit it.

he begins to pace back and forth "do you know how mad he'll be when he finds out? he'll hate me, i can't have my own son hate me" i walk closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "you'll have to be willing to take the risk, he needs to know" he nods and pulls me into a hug.

"thank you" we pull back and i smile at him.

"mom?" my eyes widen at justin's voice. i look up at jeremy and he nods then disappears.

"in the kitchen justin" he walks in an opens the fridge taking out a water then he walks over to me giving me a kiss on the cheek and a hug. "what are you doing here all alone?" i laugh "justin i live alone, have you forgotten?" he laughs "yeah but don't you have friends?" i gasp and hit him on the back of his head.

"i do but i wanted to spend some time alone today"

"oh ok, well i just wanted to come by and see how you were doing, i'll see you soon ok?" i nod and he gives me another hug and kiss then walks out the kitchen, i hear the door close and i let out a breath. that was close.

... a r i a n a ...

i walk into my house and close the door behind me. i set my bag on my couch and take the tv remote and hit the power button. i had just been dropped off by sean, we were talking to jeremy, who out of the blue called me and sean, to meet him over at his place.

apparently he talked to pattie and well it's time justin finds out he's his father.

jeremy thinks it's best if i tell him, which makes no sense since this is none of my business. why would i tell him? he's gonna start asking questions and well what the heck am i going to say?

i walk into the kitchen and take out a wine glass and a bottle of wine. i walk back into the living room and sit down, i set the glass onto the clear glass table in front of me and pop open the wine bottle i pour some into my glass, picking up the glass i bring it up to my lips and pull my head back taking a drink.

i set the glass back onto the table and a knock causes me to quickly stand up. i walk over to the door and take a deep breath. i smile knowing already who's at the door.

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