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"you're going to have to prove it"

a r i a n a

oh my goodness, ok i got this. breathe in, breathe out.

why am i even freaking out? pfft i'm ariana motherfúcking grande. ha.

we enter the restaurant and i search around for our friends.

"over here!" i hear frankie shout. "come on G" i say to gigi and we walk on over to our friends. i squeeze gigi's hand and she gives me a light squeeze back.

"hey bitches" she says and i laugh.

we sit down and i notice everyone is staring at us. is there something on our faces? did i forget to but mascara on? it has happened before. don't ask.

"why are you guys staring at us?" i finally blurt out.

"well you wanted us here, so what's up? everything ok?" sean speaks up and i frown, he as no idea what we're about to do. i feel bad.

"yeah everything is fine" both gigi and i say at the same time. we laugh and everyone just keeps staring at us, well ok then. we stop and look at each other.

"why don't we eat first and talk later" i say turning over to our friends and they nod.

the waitress comes over and takes our orders.

we wait for about thirty minutes before she's back with all our plates. "here you go" she says handing me my plate, i thank her and she smiles.

i notice her stare at justin when she's handing him his plate, he winks at her, typical. i roll my eyes and stab my fork into my salad making a loud clicking noise.

"you good babe?" gigi asks and i nod. she rubs my arm before going back to her conversation with frankie. i noticed justin staring and i smirk to myself.

"desert anyone?" avan asks and we all nod. "alright so what's the news?" sean speaks up and i move my hand grabbing gigi's under the table, i give her a light squeeze indicating for her to say it, cause honestly i'd probably end up confessing that it's all a lie.

she clears her throat before speaking. "so ariana and i asked you all to come because we've been meaning to share something for a while now" she pauses and everyone keeps their eyes set on her like she's about to announce she won the lottery.

i try to keep myself from laughing.

"well what is it?!" frankie shouts, anxious to find out what it is. i look over at justin and he has his head down, probably already knowing what gigi is about to say.

gigi reaches out her hand and takes ahold of mine, we intertwine our fingers and i see everyone's eyes move from gigi over to our hands.

frankie's eyes grow wide and a smile creeps up onto his lips. "shut up!" he squeals. i smile and bite my lip, holding myself back from laughing like an idiot.

"we've been seeing each other for a while now and well we couldn't keep it a secret anymore" she finishes and everyone else besides frankie looks at us with wide eyes.



"well shít"

the guys whisper and both gigi and i look at each other while winking at one another, without anyone seeing of course.

"so how about that desert!" i say as i call the waiter over.


"and did you see sean's face?!" gigi shouts laughing.

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