Hello Brooklyn(or South Carolina)

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A/N: Hey guys! So I've been really into All Time Low for a while and I had this idea for a fanfic so yeah!  Sowwee about any spelling mistakes I type really fast and don't really proof it after because then I go and edit the shit outta it till it's like completely different and terrible.  Does anyone else feel really weird reading their own work?  I do!  So yeah GO READ!

Alex's P.O.V.

"Have a nice day!"  My mom calls cheerily.  Yeah right.  Like I can really have a nice day.  After carting me off from my nice life in New York, with all of my friends, to stupid South Carolina, I don't know how she expects me to be happy.  

It's the first day of high school.  That is to say, it's my first day.  It's actually the middle of April.  Junior year.  Of course, my parents didn't care that I would be completely in the middle of nothing, because everyone already knew each other.  "It's better to know people before the summer," they said.  "You can make friends," they said.  Ha.

I walk past my sister on the way out the door. [A/N I know he doesn't actually have a sister, but for this story he does.] Marley is 18, and thinks she's the most important person in the world.  She flips her blond dye job into my face as she turns towards my mom.  "Don't worry mom," she says sweetly.  "I'm sure Alex will have a great time at school.  You should just focus on your work.  It's the most important thing right now, don't you agree Alex?"  Marley turns to me.  I snort and walk out the door and down the cement steps.  Marley is my parents' favorite, for obvious reasons.

The bus arrives just as I get to the sidewalk.  Our street looks like something out of a movie.  Every house looks the same, with a small garden in front and two windows on each side.  I hate this place.  I wonder how I'm gonna figure out which house is ours.  Everything is pathetically clean.  It's like the street is deserted, but I know for a fact that it's not.  Practically everyone in the neighborhood came over to greet us last night.  I had no idea who anyone was by the end of it.  In fact, the only reason I stuck around was because they brought good food.

A honk brings me out of my reverie.  "Hey kid," the driver calls, in a southern accent.  "You coming or what?"

I hitch my bag up on my shoulders and climb onto the bus.  I'm greeted with a loud jumble of noises from the crazy teenagers.  I sigh.  Just another typical high school day for all of them... except me.  I look around for someone decent to sit next to.  I spot a boy leaning on the window with his headphones in.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask.  He looks at me with his hazel eyes.

"Nope." He pops his lips on the p.  I fall into the seat, settling my backpack on my knees.  Without another word to the taller boy sitting next to me, I pull my iPod out of my bag and plug in the headphones, playing 'All The Small Things' by Blink 182.  I discovered way back in seventh grade that if I don't listen to a couple songs before school starts I can't focus for the entirety of the day.  

That was back when my anxiety was real bad.  Like, really bad.  I was used to having a few panic attacks in a day.  See, when I was twelve, my older brother took his life.  He was twenty one.  The weeks leading up to his death, we really should have seen it coming.

No.  I can't think about this on the first day of school.  I'm gonna get all panickeyed up (A/N I don't think that's a word but oh well!) and people will think I'm a freak.  I turn the music up louder and close my eyes.

"Heyareyouok?" asks a voice next to me.  I tiredly open my eyes.  It's the guy sitting next to me. I take out one earphone.  

"Sorry?" I say, indicating for him to repeat the question.

"I said, are you okay? You had a weird look on your face." he repeats with a smile.

"Y-yeah," I stutter.  "Just thinking about something."  I look away.

"Oh," he says, not taking the hint.  "Well, I'm Jack.  Are you new here?  I came last year.  What grade are you in?  Im a junior." he pauses to catch his breath, soft eyes curious.

"I'm Alex.  And yeah, I'm new.  I'm also a junior." I add.  Oh well.  At least I'll know one person.

"Cool, so where'd you move from?" he asks, genuinely curious.

"New York," I sigh.  I miss my friends.

"Wow," He says, silently contemplating that I'm from a city larger than, like, ten feet.  "Then Monetta High must be a huge change for you, huh?"

"Yeah," I said, glad that somebody understood. "What's the population here? 200 for the entire town?"

"220," he laughs.

"There were more people in only my grade!" I complain, slouching back against the seat.  I can hear the music playing softly from the headphones around my neck.  It's 'Dammit' by Blink 182, my favorite band.  I subconsciously relax into the seat.

"Hey, is that Blink 182?" Jack asks with interest.  I stare at him in amazement.  He's one of the first people I've met who knows the music I listen to.

"Yeah, do you know them?" I ask stupidly.  Then I curse inwardly.  Obviously he knows them, why would he have asked?  The one friend I might have made is gonna think I'm an idiot.

Jack's POV

As I listen to the new kid, Alex, complain good-naturedly about his large old school, I hear one of my favorite bands  playing softly through his headphones.

"Hey, is that Blink 182?" I ask curiously.  He looks at me with surprise, probably never have met someone else who knows the band. 

 "Yeah, do you know them?" he asks, before realizing that was a dumb question.  I laugh.

"Yeah, they're my all time favorite band!"

"Me too!" Alex grins.  We high-five.

All  of a sudden I freeze.  "Glad to see you're hitting it off, fags." A voice growls in my ear, before I see Rian Dawson, first class jerk, walk down the stairs of the bus and greet all his jock friends.

I glance over at Alex.  He looks stunned.  "You're not.." he hesitates, not wanting to offend.  "You're not gay, are you?  I mean, not that I have a problem with that... I mean," He stumbles over his words.  "I'm not, but he doesn't know me, so..."

"No, I'm not." I sigh.  "That was just Rian.  He's a jerk.  Don't listen to him."

Alex looks down.  "Whatever." he mumbles, before heading off the bus, backpack slung over one shoulder. 

I sigh again.  What a great intro to our glorious high school.


Hey guys! So I've had this for a while and I just wanted to post it to get it out there.  Whaddaya think?  I'm trying to incorporate some real things into here.  Like, Alex's brother.  :(  So yeah I know it's just the beginning and I'll update more next Sunday!  I have a pretty good idea of where I want this to go, but I need your support! Cya next week!

P.S. Who do you think should play Marley(Alex's older sister)? Hmmm?

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