Casting Call (Revised)

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Sorry, but I'm redoing the casting call because there was a lot of confusion.
* When I say Who Portrays You, I mean choose a celebrity besides a wrestler who will play as your character.
* When I say Desired Career, I kind of mean in the WWE, like wrestler, or storyline writer, or even trainer
* The characters are college age, so I'd prefer characters be 18-22
* One character will be the sister of Dean Ambrose
* The following crushes are off limits: Dean, Roman, Seth, Finn, Neville, Dolph, Paige, CM Punk, and John Cena

Okay, bow back to business

Hello aspiring WWE Personnel. Here is an open application for a spot at WWE University. Please understand that WWE University is a prestigious school so only a select few will be chosen to attend WWE University for the 2016-17 school season.

Desired Career:
Roommates: Not always definite

Please fill this application in the comments below. I will direct message those who I have picked. Thank you!

Application Deadline: October 9th, 2015

Winners Chosen: October 11th 2015

Note: You will probably not be added to the story until Season 2 but you will become characters so just be patient.

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