I'm here to take you back.

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Sunrise's light was only beginning to spread itself to the farthest spots in the dark sky of Echo Creek, eating away the night to make room for a new day in Princess Butterfly's life.

Everything was so normally paced, so... Not weird. As if the events of 2 weeks ago never actually happened.

2 Weeks ago... Marco almost died. And she lost her wand. Well, not lost it, just ended up being too unstable... Or at least that's what Queen Butterfly said.
"Of course you can't take the wand with you, my dear. We still have to figure out how to fix it. But worry not. You will still be living with the Diaz." The queen had said to her worried daughter.
Although the queen did not actually said it, she could almost hear her screaming in her own, Princessy head. She was "always mad" after all. But how can she blame her... She almost allowed her best friend to die and and actually let the wand to be unusable. She messed up, and she knew it. Just how the heck will she...

"Star! Star!! STAAAAR!" Marco yelled to the top of his lungs into Star's left ear.
"What?! What happened?! Is Ludo here?! I! What?!" Star reacted to the acute noise on the left side of her brain, waiving her arms in every direction.
Almost as a natural reaction to Star's movements, Marco gripped her arms tight, stopping the furious motion that came from them.
"Star we're here, at school! No Ludo, no danger."
"Oh...um, sorry about that." Star apologized, while wearing a sheepish smile, only to be welcomed with a smile from Marco.
Star moved slowly out of her seat, being free from Marco's hands around her wrists.
She waited while he was standing up, and as soon that that was done, the two were walking next to each other, towards their lockers.
"So... Feeling better? We're in the most wonderful place on Earth, school!" Marco exclaimed, trying to make Star smile, without success.
"Err...look!! Oscar is there!! With his horrib...wonderful keytar music! Don't you want to go and listen to him?"
Star only looked for a few seconds, before turning and heading to math class.

Marco knew she was sad. Heck, the whole school knew it. And now, not even Oscar could make her smile! Oscar! The guy with the record. But whatever... He had to do something. It has been two weeks, since she's been like this and nothing was changing. Was it because she doesn't have magic? Because her wand was unusable? ...Was it because he almost died?
Anyway, he did not have time to think of this, as he was already in math class, sitting down in the usual, not magical seat. Damn it...

"OK class, today we are going to learn about the different ways to find the area of a polygon with the Pythagoras' theorem" Miss Skullnick said, the now permanent ogre math teacher.

At that point everyone turned to look at Star, as if expecting for a magical "something" to appear and avoid the dreadful task that was math. Star only manage to sink into her seat, dropping her head onto the table, sighing very lowly. At this, Marco could not resist, but to put a hand onto her shoulder in hopes that she would know that he was there for her.

" Oh joy, no magic tricks today! Thank you Star! Let's get started then!" Miss Skullnick said with a monstrous grin in her face.

The loud noise of silence was ever present in the hallways that made Echo Creek Academy's corridors. When suddenly, a single flash appeared with a little, circular spark, in the middle of said hallway. Slowly, it extended from bottom to top, creating an inter-dimensional gateway. From it, a single body came out. Tall and slightly muscular, with black hair that contrasted perfectly with his luminous blue eyes. Dressed in black jeans, red T-shirt and a "black, very black" opened shirt.
With calm pace he approached the room in which Miss Skullnick was presenting her very boring class.
He reached the door nob and opened it without a second thought.

"...and remember that " a²+b²" is... May I help you?" Skullnick said with a growl.
The room's attention turned to the door only to see the young man on the doorstep.
"May I speak with Miss Butterfly?" He said with a monotone voice.
"We're having class right now, you can speak with her later; now hush out!" The ogre yelled.
"I don't care." He said, accompanied by a menacing look.
"Wait, wait, wait,wait! Hehehehe...erm Miss Skullnick...I...mmm. Hold on" Star exclaimed as she stood up in front of the young man, waving her arms, while doing the "peace" sign with her hands.
She looked at the class for a long second, the pushed the man out of the door, closing it behind her.
Marco was beyond confused. One minute he was listening to the easy to understand math class, the next one he sees Star's face turn pale as a piece of... Mmm, a white wall from a white house? Yeah, that'll work.
She pulled the guy outside and closed the door. But why? He wondered who the guy was. She never mentioned another ex-boyfriend, besides Tom, and never ever spoke of a "male" friend from another dimension. Also, that guy was scary. He had eyes similar to Star, but somehow scarier. Well after all, Star is not scary. How can she, she is always so cute and cuddly. It would be like saying that a puppy is frightening.
Marco, as well as the rest of the class just kept staring at the door, seeing the two silhouettes moving behind it.
"Who the heck could he be?" Marco thought.
"Maybe he's from Mewni? A prince of some kind? Why did he scared Star so much? I mean her ex-boyfriend was a demon prince!" He tried to wrap his mind around it, but he just couldn't figure it out. The guy.

Star re-entered the room, sitting next Marco, huffing every step from the door to her sit.
"Go on" Star said, signaling Miss Skullnick.
The teacher's face , changed from a confused expression, to anger in a matter of seconds, yelling her lungs out towards the class.

"Star, what happened?" Marco whispered to Star.
"Nothing" she whispered back, looking angrier that before.
"Come on Star, who was that?" Marco questioned.
Star suddenly turned to Marco, ready to yell at him, but just looking at him worried about her... She just could not do it.
"Fine what?"
"I'll tell you"
A few seconds of silence before saying: "He is the most annoying living person in the universe, even more than Ludo and the Lizard guy"
Marco suddenly became pale. "Who...was he?"
"My cousin."
"Soooo, you never told... Woah, you almost gave me a heart attack Star. And what did he wanted?" Marco said almost laughing in relief.
"He said I'm too dangerous and that he wants to take me back to Mewni...forever." She manage to say, frowning.

Marco felt the world collapsing around him, as he heard those words.

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