A Mostly Dangerous Star

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"So I get it! But...erm, I'm sure there is a way to avoid it right?"
Marco followed Star in the school hallway, torwards her own locker.
"I don't even know, he is just the worst!!" She slammed her locker with an opened hand with the intention of breaking it.
"Ok, ok, first of all, we've got to calm down. Just tell me again, with full details of what he said." Marco said, breathing heavy at the thought of Star's reaction to his demand.
Star only manage to look at him and sigh. "Fine, here it is again"

"Hey Star, nice seeing you" his cousin said without expression on his face.
"What are you doing here?! Opening doors that should not be open like that"
"I needed to talk to you"
"Couldn't it have waited?" Star asked, exasperated from his cousin's nonchalance attitude to his own actions. He ALWAYS does that, thinking he's so smart and stuff.
"Sure it could've, but no."
Star only manage to rub her forehead in frustration.
"Anyhow, I came here to bring you back to Mewni"
"Wait, what?! Why?!" Star demanded, seemingly more and more annoyed.
"What do you mean, why? You are a dangerous presence to this fraction of existence. In this branch of the multiverse, the number of abnormalities that have occurred are almost always involved with you"
Here he was again, using big words for no reason.
"You endangered your classmates, your friend's parents and the red-hooded kiddo. And no, I'm not talking about your magic. The thing is, Star, your presence has brought monsters and other dangerous situations to an otherwise normal dimension"
"You know that's not my fault" Star was already feeling weak in the knees. He was right.
"I don't care. Your friend almost died 2 weeks ago." That was a direct hit to her chest. He was right, once again.
"I-I don't have my wand anymore, maybe-"
"The Lizard guy, Toffee, did not cared for it. There is no reason to assume that others won't feel the same."
"But why now? Why not 2 weeks ago, I-"
"Because of that guy" Star, with the biggest effort she could pull, manage to see through the window, pointing at Marco.
"He spoke with your parents. Talked about how much you manage to grow. Your achievements and your new capacity to auto-control yourself" a little smile started to spread through Star's face as she watch Marco through the door's window.
"I did not really come to take you away. Not immediately at least. I have to run some tests, check some stuff and deal with some problems. At the same time I will evaluate your stance in this dimension."
"What can I do about it? How can I convince you that this is the wrong way to go about things?" Star asked, frowning at the last few words.
"Don't try to argue Star, you know how things are. Just enjoy these days on Earth. Make them be worth it." Not even finishing his own sentence, Mr Know-it-all was already turning and moving away from her. Shaping her hand into a fist, she manage scream at the top of her lungs:
"You're the worst, you stupid jerk!!" Said that, she opened the door behind her to enter the class room once again. Her cousin was already gone.

-End Flashback-

"And then I sat next to you" Star's eyes did not dare meet Marco's, who was one word away to hug her so hard it would hurt. And he did. It was warm and comfortable, and it did not hurt like he though it would.
"It'll be ok Star, I know it will"
"Not this time, not with a guy like him" Star replied, not daring to let go of Marco. In fact it was Marco who broke their embrace, to only put a hand on her shoulder.
"I promise it will" Star finally met his eyes. Marco couldn't help but smile. Crystal blue eyes, filled with a deep blue color that certain parts of the ocean were allowed to have. Hypnotizing, delightful, gorgeous were all not enough to describe them.
"Let's go home, bestie." Star said, visibly happier than a few minutes ago. Did I do that? Marco though.
"Race you to the house, slowpoke!" Star screamed, already sprinting to the house.
"Hey! You cheated!"

As Star ran, she though on how bright Marco eyes looked today. Brown was a very pretty color. She liked them a lot. And maybe, just maybe he was right about her cousin.
"You're great" Marco said, trying to catch his breath back. "At cheating" he finished.
"You're just jealous, for your defeat. Because now, princess Butterfly reigns supreme as ruler of the races of all races, between sir Marco and awesome Star!!" Star exclaimed with both fists in the hair, while jumping and dancing around her friend.
"Yeah, yeah, whatev's you say, cheatah!"
Marco pulled his house keys, getting ready to open the door.
"What's a cheetah?"
"Well, it's like a cheater but with another pronunciation, but is also a wildcat from-" he said before shutting himself up, witnessing the scene in front of him.
Star's cousin was inside his house! Eating with his parents! And they were laughing!!
Ready to fight, Marco assume his battle pose, while letting a low "heeeyaaaa" out. He turned to see Star's face, only to find an opened mouth was the respond to the situation.
"Marco! Star!! How was your day kids?" Mr Diaz greeted while hugging both kids.
"Dad, mom! He's a dangerous man, get away from him!" Marco replied, while struggling to liberate himself from his father's grip.
Mr and Miss Diaz both looked at each other for a few seconds, before laughing like their never had.
"No,no Marco, this Star's cousin, his name is... Erm...what was your name, mijo?" Marco's mom asked.
The man stood up, slowly walking torwards Marco and Star, both silent and waiting for the answer.
"My name is Nova. And I know, our parents are obsessed with astral bodies, isn't that true, Star?" Nova said, smiling.
"Anyway, nice meeting you, Marco Diaz"
"Why are you here?" Star said, with an obviously annoyed face.
"I just wanted to meet the lovely people who were taking care of you! I mean, we owe them a lot" Nova said, before stating: "And I wanted to speak to Marco. Alone."
"Like heck you will" Star yelled, gather all the strength she could gather to not sucker punch her cousin, as well as squishing Marco's hand.
"I just wanna talk to him real fast, then I will go." He calmly said.
Star brows formed an enraged position, the little hearts in her face changing to small skulls. Marco notice that. This could get dangerous.

Marco tried to rationalized the situation as fast as he could. Nova was worried about the effects that Star had in Earth's dimension and his family AND him. So he won't kill him. Probably.
"Well then, let's go" Marco calmly said. Star's grip on his hand became more apparent, to almost hurt. Marco only turn to her, smiling, mouthing the words "I'll be fine".
With much hesitation, Star let go of her best friend's hand and allowed him to follow Nova, who pulled a dimensional scissors from his pocket. It was just like he always did, going to other dimensions to do things. So annoying.
Marco waved slowly to Star and his parents before entering he dimensional rift.

As the inter-dimensional door disappeared she frowned looking at the floor thinking of what could happen to Marco, wishing she wouldn't have let him go, only to be met by Mr Diaz hand on her shoulder.
" What an extravagant family you have Star! I like it" Mr Diaz said, smiling as always.

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