Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

A shiver ran through my body as we walked into the park where we were meeting Jay and Alex. Stupid British summer. It was freezing cold in the middle of August. The weather defied the very concept of summer.

Olivia tugged on my arm as she pulled my unwilling self on long with her. The headache had abated a little after I’d called in some painkillers for reinforcement, but I’d still rather be lazing at home on a warm, comfy sofa.

Liv glanced at the dreamy smile on my face and shook her head. “You’re thinking about curling up on a sofa, aren’t you?”

I frowned at her. “Okay, that’s is starting to get creepy.”

“I have psychic powers.” She whispered dramatically, making weird faces. A smile snuck past my defences and plastered itself on my face. Liv caught sight of it lurking at the edge of my mouth and gave a dramatic air punch. “YES!”

I huffed as she continued towing me towards the bench where we’d agreed to meet the boys. She was so childish sometimes.

“Oh look, there they are!” she exclaimed and broke out into a run. I yelped in surprise when she pulled me forwards, still reluctant to release my arm in case I made a break for freedom. She didn’t need to worry. It was a ten minute drive to this place from Liv’s house and there was no way I was ever going to walk that of my own accord.

Jay and Alex were lounged on the bench opposite the snack shop. A scowl formed on my face as they saw us approach. Stupid, cocky idiots. If it weren’t for them, I’d be warm. I might even be sleeping…

“Phone. Now.” I demanded once I was within a few metres of their bench with my hand stuck out towards Jay.

“Woah, who shoved a pole up your arse?” Jay joked. Alex laughed as well and from the corner of my eye I could see Olivia choking back her own giggles. Traitor

I stayed where I was with my arm still reached out in front of me. I would get my phone and go. That was all I was here for.

Still laughing, Alex stood up and shook my outstretched hand. “Hey, I’m Alex Stone.”

“Nice to meet you, but I wanted my phone not a handshake.”

“I know.” He said with a smile, “But I wanted a handshake.”

I muttered under my breath about how irritating boys were these days, but Liv had already stepped in with the introductions. “My name’s Olivia. Or Liv. Or Livvy. Or… well, anything I guess. I tend to answer no matter what someone calls me.”

“Alex. And you already know Jay” he said, gesturing behind him where Jay was still sat calmly, not caring that he was holding my phone hostage. I kept my hand in front of his face, undeterred by the lack of reaction. “Phone.” I demanded once more.

“You know, you have my phone as well, princess, and I don’t see you offering to return it to me either.”

Oh. Forgot about that one. I pulled one of my hand out of my armpits where it had been happily soaking in the warmth of my body and dug around in my pocket.

Pulling the phone free of the fabric, I thrust it at Jay. “Here.”

He smirked and started checking through his messages. I paused, waiting for him to return my phone. As the minutes stretched on, I began to drum my fingers restlessly on my leg. He had to be messing with me, this was ridiculous! If he just gave me my phone, we could head our separate ways and I could go back to pretending that last night never happened.

After a few more minutes, my already worn patience snapped. “Give me my phone.” I complained frustratedly. Jay looked up from his phone with his trademark smirk plastered across his face. “I don’t see why I should.”

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