Author's Note

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Almost a year ago to the day, I was having an argument with my friend over the pros and cons of orange juice with the bits in. Now, 29 chapters and over 72000 words later, I have finally finished my first story.

Honestly, I don’t think I believe it. I’ve started writing so many different stories only to run out of steam or interest half way through, so to have actually finished this pretty much blows my previous record of four chapters out of the water. But I can definitely say that this would never have been finished without a few key people. People like Zemmii and L1ttle_Elf for commenting on chapters. And the friends (you know who you are :P) who read through chapters and gave me advice when I was stuck for ideas. And finally, the people who were happy to reply when I sent random texts at stupid hours of the night asking “if you were really cold, how would you describe it?” or “what’s the word for when you don’t believe what someone’s telling you?”. They might not even have understood quite what they were doing, but all of them were happy to text me an answer without complaint and without question. They were a bigger help than they could ever imagine.

So, it is too all of those willing – and unwilling – helpers that I dedicate this story. Because I doubt that it would have been finished without them.

Finally, on to new ideas. I have an outline for a spin off that would be told through Sam Robert’s perspective, but would also centre heavily around Jay and Izzy’s married life. So, probably… five years in the future? But for the meantime, I’m going to let Jay and Izzy enjoy their happiness without interruption.

At some point, I will also need to correct this story. There are some major plot holes, the time span is completely implausible and the characterisation and writing style isn’t exactly consistent throughout the story either. So, if you have any comments or suggestions for areas of improvements, feel free to drop me a comment or a private message (thank you to those who have already done so) and I will take that into consideration when I begin rewriting the story.

But for now, I have a few other proiects on the go, if you would like to check them out.

Firstly, A Twist of Fate is my venture into the third person.

Nate’s death shattered Anna, broke her into an infinite number of splintered emotions. Chris’s fear preys on his mind, reminding him of the day when he almost lost everything. Two people. Two strangers. And the most insignificant of meetings.

Everyone has a hand in their own fate. Everyone has to roll the dice. But people’s paths overlap in the strangest of places. And sometimes, that’s all it takes to change everything

Basically, I want to try and tell a story were two different narratives interweave and overlap but remain separate and distinct. Again, all comments and criticism welcome.

And finally, (yes, I know, shameless self-advertising again…) is A Thousand Stars, a collection of short pieces of writing.

Love hurts. Love heals. Love brings people together. Love tears them apart. Love can break a person or build them into a stronger person.

But one thing is constant: Love changes everyone it touches.

Some of my best work – in my opinion – is in there, so again, feel free to check it out and comment, vote or just enjoy quietly.

I think that’s me done. All that’s left is for me to pick a final song. Which, without a doubt, has to be Boys in Books are better by Carrie Hope Fletcher.

So, that’s me done for now. From me, Jay and Izzy, thank you so much for continuing to read this story. And thank you for all the support that you’ve given me.

With more love than I could ever imagine,


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