Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

“How do I look?”

I glanced up from my sketchbook and gave Olivia an appraising glance. A pale pink strapless dress flowed to her knees, the fabric wrapping around her chest to form an elegant knot at her back. Unusually for Olivia, she’d paired it with a pair of pumps of a similar colour instead of the death traps called stilettoes that she’d normally wear. Finally, she’d curled her hair so that it cascaded down her back in waves. I ignored the slight stirrings of jealousy and smiled broadly, proud that my best friend looked so beautiful.

“You look fantastic,” I replied honestly.

Olivia winked suggestively at me. “Why, thank you.” she purred suggestively, “Just for that, you can be the lucky person who has birthday sex with me.”

I gasped in horror, playing along. “Olivia! What would Alex say?”

There was a pause as we both thought about what Alex really would say before we both burst out laughing. Knowing Alex, he’d probably be thrilled.

“What’s the bet that he’d ask to watch?” Olivia mused contemplatively and I shuddered, waving my hands in the air to signal the end of the conversation. She’d taken it that one step too far.

Olivia bounded over to her dressing table and applied makeup with the ease of a professional. I shook my head in wonder. Last time I’d tried to put my own makeup on, I’d nearly poked my eye out.

I began sketching absentmindedly, letting my pencil fly across the page as it chose. After my mother had told me off for wasting my time on ‘doodles’ I had to be careful where and when I did my drawings. I don’t think that I could handle it if my mother threw out my sketchbook. It’s a diary and stress ball all rolled up into one.

“Hey, that’s Jay!”

I jumped and slammed the book shut, a denial already at my lips. Olivia smirked at me and tugged my sketchbook from my arms. “It is him.” She affirmed gleefully.

As if I would ever draw Jay. “It’s just a guy.” I defended, “No one in particular.”

Olivia laughed and handed back my book. “Izzy and Jay, sitting in a tree…”

I cut her off. “If you say even one more line of that song, I will keep your present for myself.”

The warning worked and Liv immediately shut up and mimed zipping her mouth closed. My mouth twisted into a smile. I’ve never seen anyone get as excited by a present as Olivia. She may have turned eighteen, but that girl is and always will be a perpetual child.

Olivia jumped onto the bed next to me and sat cross legged with her hands outstretched expectantly. Shaking my head slightly, I reached into my bag and bought out the present that I had got for her. Despite the disastrous shopping debacle with Jay, I knew that I’d ended up with a present that she would love.

Shreds of wrapping paper flew across the room as Olivia ripped into the wrapping paper. I smiled at her antics. Good job that there’s nothing breakable in the package…

A contented sigh let me know that I had found the perfect present for Olivia and I smiled proudly. Who’s the best friend ever?

“Is that… Is that a… Izz, please say you’re not shitting me. Is that a time-turner?” Olivia breathed euphorically, the necklace dangling loosely from her fingers as she admired it. I nodded and Olivia squealed and threw her arms around me. I hugger her back, but she quickly pulled back to admire her present again. The necklace was a replica of the time-turner used in the Harry Potter movies and it had cost a fortune but what better than a present that combined Olivia’s two loves – books and jewellery.

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