My Thoughts on Question #1

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The meaning of life can be very complicated idea that there are at least probably thousands upon thousands of answers to. Some people may believe the only real purpose is to reproduce and keep the cycle of life going, but this is concept for me is almost insane if we are to only believe this is the purpose of life just to continue the cycle of life then other generations will have the same questions thus leading to a endless cycle of people questioning the purpose of life till the end of humanity. If this truly is the purpose of life then we are currently in that cycle of endless questioning and we will never get the answer ,because we are the answer to the question.

But I can't simply believe that the answer to life to reproduce. We humans are very complex creatures. I believe we can thank our complexity to our brains. Which are complex enough not only to let us survive but let us feel emotions, reason, and create with incredible abilities. I have The Theory of Nothing by jeshi99 on Wattpad and I learned that emotions are apart of survival , so the argument that we have emotions does not work well for saying that the purpose of is something more then continuing life.

So I have to believe that it our intellect that is what makes the argument against that the there is no greater purpose then just continuing life. As a species human's have made incredible discoveries such as discovering what is the blueprint of life DNA, how are bodies work, atoms just to name a few. Now some can argue that our intellect was meant for survival as well ,and they be right. Of course they would since our minds our the key to our survival. If you compare our human bodies to animals bodies you can tell the animals like bears, lions, tiger, elephant have the physical advantage (I'm not saying all animals have the physical advantage but there are some that do) ,but our minds give us the advantage to be cleaver enough to survive, but if our intellect was just for survival then we would just be smart enough to survive not to thrive like we currently are in this advance modern society.

Albert Einstein is a perfect example for this. There is no question he is a brilliant man ,but what would coming up with a theory about the universe have to do with surviving in the animal kingdom. Or math is another example what would trigonometry have to with surviving in the animal kingdom as well. I could go on and on with examples about this till I'm blue in the face, but I don't want to and I assume you probably don't want to either.

So I wrap this up now. Personally I think the purpose of life is to honor God and show him that he can trust us for Heaven. That is what I think the purpose of life is. I'm not trying to force any beliefs upon anyone. I think that it is important for each of us to have a purpose of life or else our life's will not have any direction for us to steer it in.
So even if it is true that our life's have no purpose ,but for us to keep the cycle of life going we must give them a purpose.

It is necessary to meet the needs and advance the human race.

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