chapt. 38

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Clary p.o.v.
Six months later. July, first.
One day. One day and I go back home for two full weeks.
I'm in the kitchen making a batch of cookies with a recipe that Emma gave me when I hear a loud noise come from my front door.
I grab a knife and slowly make my way to the main room to see the door wide open. I hear noises behind me and spin around slashing the knife. I heard a loud shriek of pain.
"Your gonna pay for that bitch!" Shawn yelled grabbing the knife and holding it to my throat. Déjà vu kicked in, I'm suddenly standing in my living room, Jesse on one side of me and michael Ashton all in front of me, but where is Luke.
"L-Luke" I croak out. An evil like chuckled escaped Shawn's lips.
"I'm sorry babe but he's not here. And neither is your brother to save you this time. Did you think Alex and Avery would give up that easy" he Asked. "Oh honey. Avery was right you are stupid."
He hungrily pressed his lips to mine and moved down my neck, he still had the knife last I checked... But then I heard the click of a gun. "You resist and I'll shoot you... Understand?" I nod and start to sob. He dragged me to my bedroom and threw me on the bed. The only thing I remember is unstoppable pain and me screaming for Michael and Luke. And when I would scream I would be hit.
When he finally stopped and put his clothes back on I curled up into a ball and sobbed my heart out.
I lay writhing in pain for hours, my phone goes off. When I tried to get up to answer it, pain surged through my, uh lower area and thighs. I grit my teeth and stand, crying out in pain with each step I take. I make it to my phone on the last ring, its Madison.
"Hey bae! I'm going to be picking you up at the airport today". She says.
" uh that's ow great" I say slowly making my way around the room. I see my bes sheets, their covered in blood.
"You okay" she asks. I start to sob again. "Clary! Clary are you okay?" She yelled into the phone.
"I'll tell you when I see you okay I have to go bye" I hang up and try to put on jeans but it was too hard. When I finally got my clothes on I slowly make my way to the airport, the pain slowly got less painful but never went away, as long as I grit my teeth as I walk I'll be fine.
The last thing Shawn said to me echoed in my head.
Tell the police and we will find you again. We've done it before so don't try anything again. Were always watching.

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